Chapter 37

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Chapter Thirty Seven

“see I told you” Cheryl replied breathlessly whilst making her way back up the bed. “it really does solve everything doesn’t it?” she asked Kimberley with a smile as she let herself collapse on top of the girl.

Kimberley giggled as she wrapped her arms around Cheryl and pulled her in tightly, kissing her softly on the lips.

“it was okay…” Kimberley teased, letting her hand rest on the small crevice of the small of Cheryl’s back.

“…but I think you can do better” she added with a whisper, grabbing the girls backside roughly which elicited a moan out of the younger girl.

Cheryl laughed indignantly before kissing Kimberley hard on the lips, biting down playfully on her bottom lip as she went.

Kimberley lay her head back on the pillow beneath her, the feeling of the weight of Cheryl’s body on top of her making her own skin tingle.

She looked up at Cheryl who was hovering above her, their eyes meeting instantly, and for just a moment, she was completely blown away. In those few seconds, everything else fell away and out of her mind, all the problems and the stresses disappeared with one look.

She closed her eyes tightly as she felt Cheryl’s hand trailing up the inside of her thigh and hoped that the girls face would be imprinted in her memory.

She let out a shallow moan as she felt Cheryl inside her, and only opened her eyes when she felt the girls soft lips on her own, her tongue exploring Kimberley’s mouth.


She didn’t really need to say anything to the girl, she just needed to hear her name out loud, which seemed to entice Cheryl further.

She ran her hand over the fabric of the bed, grabbing a handful between her fingers so that she had something to hold on to. She vaguely felt Cheryl’s small but firm kisses down her neck as the sweet scent of the girls perfume filled her nostrils.

Cheryl laughed playfully as she let her tongue find its own path from Kimberley’s neck to the crevice between her breasts, stopping for just a second to glance up at the girl before she carried on.


There really was no better sight in the world, not that it was ever in any doubt, but the sight of Cheryl sat straddling her stomach, looking up at her in just her underwear seemed to confirm it for Kimberley.

It was the early hours of the morning and she knew that Cheryl really should be sleeping, she had an impossibly early start in just a few hours time, but try as she might, she just couldn’t seem to tear her gaze away from Cheryl above her.

“what’s wrong baby?” Cheryl asked, a frown appearing on her face as she stroked the side of Kimberley’s face.

“nothing” Kimberley mumbled, before pulling herself around, realising she didn’t know how long she had been staring for.

“just admiring the view” she added with a smile which seemed to make Cheryl happy as she bent her head back down and carried on kissing Kimberley’s full lips.


“you look terrible” Simon said by way of a greeting as Cheryl walked in to his office and sat at the large round table, that was empty but for the pair of them.

“thanks” Cheryl replied, rolling her eyes to the ceiling as she took her coat off and dropped it on the back of her chair.

“well you do” he said defending himself with a laugh. “it can only be one of two things” he went on whilst she sat down and checked her reflection in her mirror that she kept in her bag.

“aspirin?” he offered, handing her a packet which he pulled from his pocket.

Cheryl shook her head as she put the mirror away, “no I feel fine” she replied with a frown.

“well that settles it then” Simon said, seemingly answering a question he hadn’t said aloud.

“settles what?”

“was it good?” he asked, in that mischievous way that only Simon Cowell seemed to pull off.

“what?” Cheryl asked, feeling her cheeks blush as she realised what he was talking about.

“there’s only one reason Cheryl Cole comes to work looking like death warmed up…and it isn’t a headache” he smiled knowingly.

They both looked up, Cheryl relieved when she seen the door open and a few people walk in to the room. Dannii threw her bag on to the table and dropped down on to a chair on the opposite side of the table.

“good morning” Cheryl smiled, trying to push the conversation with Simon to the back of her mind.

good night?” Danni corrected her with a raised eyebrow before everyone settled down around the table for the meeting.

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