Chapter 42

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Chapter Forty - Two

The noise from the crowd made Cheryl’s breath hitch as the curtain came down on their first tour together as a band in almost two years. She let her eyes scan over the crowd, knowing that there really was no better feeling in the world than what she felt at that very moment. 

She glanced to the side to look at the other girls and met Nicola’s eye who gave her a beaming smile. The confetti was still falling and the glow sticks were still waving as she reached her hand out to grab Kimberley’s. 

Their fingers intertwined with each other naturally, as though their hands belonged together and suddenly it occurred to Cheryl that her life was pretty much perfect. 

The crowd roared at the little display of affection which made Cheryl smile but she knew that Kimberley would be blushing underneath all the make up. 

“it will never get any better than this” Cheryl said with a nostalgic smile as the screens came down and the crowd slowly went out of view. 

“oh, I wouldn’t be to sure about that” Kimberley laughed with a little wink as she pulled Cheryl in to her arms and hugged her tightly. 

She didn’t have time to respond as she felt herself being pulled away and in to Sarah’s arms who jumped excitedly with her, releasing all the energy that they still had in them after the concert. 

The next twenty minutes were spent celebrating the end of the tour although they would soon all be together at the tour after party, it was somewhat of a ritual between them, something that hadn’t changed in the time they were apart. 


Nicola felt the thud of the music as she walked over to the dance floor, dragging a reluctant Kimberley with her. It had taken them longer to get changed and arrive at the venue than they had planned and as a result they were the last to arrive at their own party, although they were all making up for it eagerly. 

“she’s not going anywhere” Nicola replied, rolling her eyes to the ceiling as she noticed Kimberley looking back to find Cheryl. 

They started to dance, losing themselves to the beat of the music which thudded loudly in time with the strobe lights above them. 

Cheryl stood at the edge of the dance floor with her glass of champagne in her hand, she sipped it slowly as she let her eyes rest on Kimberley. 

Their eyes met from across the crowded dance floor and Cheryl fought the urge to go over to her, knowing that she needed to spend time with other people and not just spend all her night with Kimberley, even though that was more preferable. 

“I love you” she mouthed to the older girl who smiled even though Cheryl was pretty sure she didn’t know what she had said. 

Tearing her eyes away from the beautiful view in front of her, she went in search of the bar and talked herself in to another glass of champagne. 


“sometimes I wonder if this is all real, or if its just a dream and I’m going to wake up on my own” Kimberley admitted as they walked arm in arm down the beach front. It was a hot, sunny day, the kind that needed to be taken advantage of. 

Cheryl stopped in her tracks and pulled Kimberley close to her before she stroked a few stray strands of hair out of the girls face. 

“you’ll never be on your own Kimberley” Cheryl smiled as she felt the girls long skirt blowing gently against her own bare legs. 

“I know but it all just seems to…” Kimberley started, searching for the right word.

perfect?” Cheryl suggested as they continued down the sandy beach, leaving their footprints behind them. 

Kimberley nodded in agreement and pulled her eyes away from Cheryl to look out on to the landscape around her. She noticed Cheryl riffling around in her bag but paid it little attention. 

“I’e got a present for you” Cheryl declared as they came to a rest at a few large rocks. She pulled a small rectangular box from out of her bag and handed it to Kimberley who was leaning against one of the larger rocks. 

Kimberley’s face lit up as she opened the box and realised what it was that Cheryl was giving her. 

“it’s the shells, I had them made in to a necklace” Cheryl told her, as she picked the necklace up in her hands. 

“I can see that, its lovely” Kimberley gushed as she moved her hair so that Cheryl could put it on for her. 

“there…” Cheryl smiled back, fastening the clasp. 

now its perfect

The End

This is the end guys!:( thanks for all the people that read, commented and voted! i appreciate it! if you have an requests, inbox me:D

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