Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

Cheryl strolled up along the beach until she came to the beach-side café that Kimberley had called her from, so that they could have lunch. 

She couldn’t help but stare at the girl as she made her way through the tables. If there was one sight that could take her breath away, it was Kimberley. 

The dress that the older girl was wearing left little work for Cheryl’s imagination as she let her eyes wonder up the expanse of bare legs that Kimberley was showing. 

She pulled her chair, which was opposite to Kimberley and moved it around the table so that she was closer to her and also to take advantage of the views of the beach.

A few of the other diners had started to look over, noticing a few familiar faces but to Cheryl’s relief they seemed to just want a quick look before going back to their meals. 

“you look…” Cheryl said in a low voice, before shaking her head, realising that words just didn’t seem to do her justice.

Kimberley smiled and blushed slightly at the compliment before taking a sip from a glass of wine that she had ordered whilst waiting for Cheryl. 

“you look as beautiful as you always did” Kimberley replied after a moment, once she knew Cheryl was busy reading the menu and choosing her order. Her little statement made the girl stop what she was doing and for a moment, Kimberley could feel the girls large chocolate eyes looking over the menu at her, before her face broke out in to a smile.


“I still feel like I’m going to wake up and it will all be a dream” Cheryl admitted, letting her hand drop underneath the table. She let it rest on Kimberley’s thigh, before squeezing it a little. 

“do you want me to pinch you” Kimberley asked, raising her eyebrow seductively at Cheryl. Their conversation was easy, almost as if the past year had never happened, just a bad dream that they had both woke up from. 

“maybe tonight” Cheryl replied playfully, letting her hand glide a little further up Kimberley’s thigh. 

“that’s very presumptuous of you Cheryl” Kimberley laughed, and shifted in her seat a little upon feeling Cheryl’s hand stroking her leg. 

Cheryl held her free hand up in mock defeat before relaxing back in her chair and taking in the view in front of her.

“Its amazing isn’t it” she said, shaking her head at the sheer beauty of the landscape. Kimberley nodded her agreement, although she was having a hard time tearing her eyes away from Cheryl. 

“Cheryl…” Kimberley said softly, she hesitated whilst Cheryl turned her attention away from the ocean and back to Kimberley.

“what is it babe?” Cheryl asked, realising that Kimberley was half way to changing her mind. 

“if I hadn’t have left…do you think you would ever have told me?” Kimberley asked, finding it suddenly quite difficult to meet the girls eye. 

Cheryl looked down to the floor before forcing herself to pick her head up. If they were to move on at all, they needed to have this conversation, it wasn’t like they could just erase it and pretend it never happened. 

“you were happy Kimberley, and as much as it killed me, seeing you happy is what I live for” Cheryl replied honestly with a little shrug of her shoulders. 

Kimberley shook her head, a sad smile adorning her face. She dropped her own hand underneath the table and placed it on top of Cheryl’s.

“last night made me happy” she said, her voice almost a whisper as she tried to be discreet so the other diners couldn’t hear. 

“do we need to talk about last night?” Cheryl asked, realising that they hadn’t actually discussed it at all. 

Kimberley shrugged her shoulders, her face falling in to a natural pout as she left the discussion in Cheryl’s hands. 

“what happens now?” Cheryl asked, finding it hard to drag her eyes away from Kimberley’s full lips that seemed to be begging her to pay them some attention. 

She licked her own absentmindedly and lifted her hand off Kimberley’s leg and bringing it back up on to the table. 

“well I suppose we could talk about that…” Kimberley said after a moments thought. She put her hand on top of Cheryl’s on the table and intertwined her fingers with the younger girls. 

“or…” Cheryl asked with a smile on her face.

“Or….you could make me happy again”

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