Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty Nine

The sun light streamed in through the window, highlighting Kimberley’s face as Cheryl propped herself up in bed and looked at her sleeping. It was almost time for them to get up, and as she always did, Kimberley started to wake up 5 minutes before the alarm.

Cheryl laughed lightly at how predictable Kimberley was, and how she was even organised in her subconscious. In most ways they were polar opposites, Cheryl was the spur-of-the-moment, spontaneous one, and Kimberley liked to plan things down to the letter. 

But something seemed to hold them together, even at the start of the band, when the attraction wasn’t perhaps as strong before it developed, something always kept them coming back to each other. 

As their friendship developed, so did the bond that seemed to bind them together, until pretty soon, they were inseparable. Cheryl let her mind wonder back to the argument they had had that caused Kimberley to leave, but was relieved when Kimberley started stirring which brought her out of her thoughts.

“I love you” Cheryl smiled, looking over the girl as she opened her eyes. Kimberley frowned a little before rubbing her eyes, obviously not expecting the first thing that she seen to be Cheryl smiling at her. 

“good morning” Kimberley replied groggily before sitting up in the bed. 

She stretched her arm out to put it round Cheryl’s shoulder as the younger girl leaned in to her and rested her head on Kimberley’s shoulder. 

“today’s going to be a long day” Kimberley sighed, and groaned at the thought of the day ahead. Somewhere in the sheer relief and excitement at the results from the doctor, she had reluctantly agreed to go flat hunting with Cheryl in London. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go with Cheryl, because the truth was that she would happily follow the girl anywhere. 

“it will be worth it in the long run” Cheryl replied, letting her hand drop to Kimberley’s stomach. She lifted her top up a little bit and started to trace imaginary circles with her finger. 

Kimberley nodded and ran her fingers through Cheryl’s hair. She had been partially won over to the idea of moving to London because of the fact she would get to see more of Nicola and Sarah whilst Cheryl was out working, but she couldn’t help but feel like her life was becoming as unsettled as Cheryl’s. 

Cheryl could handle working all over the country day in, day out, whereas Kimberley felt safer with a routine. But she knew deep down that unless she wanted to see Cheryl once a month at the most, she would have to do it. 

“I’ve got a surprise for you tonight as well” Cheryl smiled as she looked up to Kimberley, with a cheeky glint in her eye. 

“oh yeah?” Kimberley laughed a little, her mind already filled with idea’s of what it could be. 

“yeah…” she replied coyly, letting her fingers slip up Kimberley’s top and in to her bra. 

She kissed the older girl harshly on the lips as she let her hand wonder for a little while. 

“but you don’t get to have it until tonight” she finished, pulling her hand away quickly and getting up out of the bed. 


The estate agent definitely looked at her funny. If Kimberley had noticed, she certainly wasn’t letting it be known as she followed the woman around the pokey little flat, making all the right noises to tell the estate agent she was impressed. 

She knew that it was always going to raise a few suspicions, two members of Girls Aloud buying a one bed roomed flat in the middle of London, but in her naivety she had convinced herself that the estate agents wouldn’t think anything of it. 

Cheryl threw the woman one of her own glances back before walking in to the kitchen. 

“I don’t like it babe” she said, leaning against one of the counters, loud enough for them both to hear. 

“maybe we could look around and get back to you” Kimberley said to the woman. She smiled apologetically to her for Cheryl’s bluntness before watching her walk out of the kitchen. 

“what’s wrong” she asked with a frown to Cheryl who was still leaning against the kitchen counter. 

“its not really us is it” Cheryl shrugged as she looked around at the small flat. 

“its only a temporary place for us to stay Cheryl, it doesn’t have to be amazing” Kimberley smiled. Inside she couldn’t have agreed with Cheryl more, it really wasn’t them at all, it was to small and to clinical, however for some reason she had chosen to play devils advocate and now pride stopped her from agreeing. 

“I want it to be amazing though babe, I want it to be amazing… for you” she said, dropping the level of her voice so that the estate agent couldn’t hear from the living room. 

“come on then” Kimberley replied, rolling her eyes up to the ceiling as she outstretched her arm for Cheryl to take her hand.

“lets move on to flat number six” Cheryl replied for her and walked with her in to the hall way before dropping her hand as the woman met them at the front door.

“I still don’t like it” Cheryl replied as she walked passed the woman and out of the door. It was a small victory but she had taken an instant dislike to her as soon as she had met her, the questioning looks and nosey glances did nothing in her favour either. 


“its perfect” Kimberley replied as she walked from room to room, her smile growing more and more at each door she looked through. Cheryl tagged along, following her as she chattered away excitedly about what she would put where. 

If Cheryl was buying on her own, it wouldn’t have been the place she would have chosen. However she would have bought a million of them if it was just to see the look of happiness on Kimberley’s face, especially after the last few weeks they had had. 

In fact, she knew that she was going to buy it as soon as the estate agent opened the front door and Kimberley gasped in amazement at the beams on the ceiling. 

The estate agent gave Cheryl another look, this time however it was distinctly clear what it was, and Cheryl felt her stomach tightening at the thought. 

She knew…

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