Chapter 1

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Raven's POV.

I sat in my room and drew an innocent picture of me in a dark cloak standing with a green boy.

For some time I've been having the strangest dreams. I'm half demon and I'm falling in love with an annoying and weird green boy who can shift into different types of animals. The name for whom is too fuzzy I can't recall.

In the dream, I'm on a team and we fight evil. There is one other girl who is a beautiful princess from another planet. A tall, strong half man half robot who just loved technology and he was best friends with the green boy. Then we had our leader, another boy who was always too serious he always wore a mask that cover only his eyes. His suit consisted of four colors green, yellow, red, and black. Oh, he also had it hard for the princess.

We were best friends and enemies at times. Our adventures we're priceless. Unfortunately every time I wake up from those dreams... I'm screaming.

Back to reality, I'm a 15 year old girl going to Greekens High our mascot, the Titans. I have black hair that reaches mid back, My eyes are a light purple no one knows why, just so you know I'm NOT miss popular but I guess I'm getting there, another thing you should know is that I'm a total book worm.

I live in a normal suburban neighborhood in a normal, quiet suburban household. I live with my adoptive parents and their daughter, Cherry. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. 

Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-
I stop the alarm and moan.

'Great 30 minutes 'till I go to hell.' I think to myself putting aside my drawing with my pencil on top of it. I jump to my feet looking at myself in the mirror.

"Still got it hottie." I say sarcastically to my reflection. I walk over to a shelf to find a small bag. I grab it and inside I find all my make-up and begin hiding my true face.

Once I finish I put my make-up away and look at myself in the mirror once more.

"Much better." I mumble

There's a sudden knock at my door and bursts in my best friend Jordyn, miss popular.



"Okay I'll just tell you!" Jordyn interrupts I don't mind much when she does that, it's funny especially when it's something that excites the crap out of her.

"Okay Okay Okay, so we have... two days 'till this year's homecoming!!" Jordyn exclaims we both jump up and down with excitement

Jordyn can get really hyper, sometimes I think it's from her fiery red hair or those witch green eyes.

"So you got a date or naw?" I ask raising one eyebrow slightly, clicking my tongue.

"Nope but, I was hoping it would just be us girls!" Jordyn says holding my shoulders as we both fake ballroom dance.

After our laughs it was time to go to school. My sister offered us a ride, Cherry always liked Jordyn more than me which I didn't mind.

It took us a couple minutes and one full song of jamming out to One Direction, That's what makes you Beautiful.

We say our goodbyes to Cherry as she pulls away.

"Oh Jordyn remember yesterday how Rebecca told us we are going to hell?" I ask as we both stay looking ahead of us.

"Yeah, why?" She asks.

"Well I think we're here." I answer smiling.

Jordyn laughs and even snorts a bit

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