Chapter 14

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We're going home. We're going home.

"H-home?" I ask looking up at Robin as I am laying on a medical bed getting slight treatment. He nods and everyone whoops and hollers.
Everyone soon falls asleep after my treatment. Honestly trying to find something to do on a plane heading home is extremely difficult.

I take a deep sigh and close my eyes, crossing my legs and begin trying to meditate.

After what seemed like five minutes something box shaped falls into my lap. I slowly look down, opening my eyes.

A present....?

I look up to see Beastboy standing in front of me smiling.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks making me even more confused.

"Tell you what?" I ask back raising an eyebrow.

"Happy Birthday Raven." He smiles a bit bigger. I smile a bit more and open the envelope seeing a cute card.

"Read it." He says. I clear my throat and begin reading.

"To the best person I've known..." I open the card. "I wish the happiest of birthdays." I look back up at Beastboy as he pulls up a chair.

I chuckle and begin to quietly open the present. He keeps smiling at me not looking away. The present soon becomes visible.I begin to laugh a bit as does Beastboy.

"A coffee mug." I manage to laugh out.

"No. No. Read it." He sputters still laughing.

"Shut up. I haven't had my tea and daily meditation." After that we're both laughing so hard we're crying.

"It's not even that funny!" I laugh and he nods. We try to stay quiet while laughing and soon calm down.

"Thank you BB." I say putting aside all of the wrapping paper and mug.

"Wait. Did you just call me BB?" He asks. I nod blushing a bit.

"Alright mama, that's a bit new hah."

Ugh... I love it when he calls me that.. wait, what!?

I smile and try stand up but without ny knowledge my legs aren't fully healed so I begin to fall to the ground. I'm quickly caught by Beastboy as he begins to pick me up a bit.

We stop and stay looking at each other for what seemed like forever. So many things were running through my mind and my heart was racing faster than ever.

Our gaze upon each other soon ended when someone cleared their throat.

"Bad time?" Cyborg asks.

"Uh..." BeastBoy looks up then back at me helping me up all the way. Sending us blushing a bit.

"No. It's fine." He rubs the back of his head in slight embarrassment.

Damnnit Cyborg, you were literally built to ruin moments like these.

"BB, we need you up here, and Happy Birthday Raven." He looks at me as does Beastboy still smiling. He winks then leaves.

Once the steel door closes I let out a sigh of relief and keep smiling like a complete idiot.

I take a step towards the jet's cabinet full of tea bags and fall to the ground, luckily I caught myself on the counter.

I groan holding my stomach. I look down seeing a medical wrap and blood still seeping through.

"Only five mo- Raven!" Robin yells as the steel doors open up revealing the red of the team.

He comes running at me making me flinch. He puts his hand on my back sending shivers down my spine. He looks at me then picks me up like a bride and puts me back on the table.

"Why are you up walking around!?" He exclaims telling everyone to do different things still yelling.

"I seemed fine at the time." I groan nearly touching my wound.

"I'm sorry." I bite my lip as the pain increases.

"Titans. Out." He demands and everyone besides Beastboy scurried out.

"Beastboy, out." He demands once again and he looks at me one last time before leaving. The steel door shuts and he looks back at me.

Tears fill my eyes making everything blury as I look up still biting my lip.

"May I?" He asks mentioning to my suit. I nod and he begins unlacing my suit from the side.

"Just hold still." He whispers as he finishes the lacing. He slowly pulls apart the pieces enough that nothing valuable shows.

"Damn." He whispers and begins to dampen a washcloth.


"Shh." He interrupts hesitating with the washcloth. I take his hand that's holding the cloth and he looks at me.

"Don't move at all." He warns and puts the washcloth to my wound.

"Shit! Why the hell-" I yell back and he puts down the wash cloth and takes my face in is hands and kisses me.

My eyes are wide open but soon close.

What's going- wait who's- ROBIN!

I quickly open my eyes as he lets go and continues with the wound.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I ask holding back screams.

"I needed some way to shut you up I guess it didn't work." He keeps a neutral face.

"Robin we need you up front-" Beastboy interrupts Robin from cleaning.

"Okay. Beastboy finish this up." He clears his throat then leaves quickly closing the door behind him.

He walks and keeps staring at my revealed wound and holds my hand then takes the cloth and begins to tend to my wound.

"Goddamn you too?!" I exclaim closing my hand into a fist.

"Calm down."

He's acting way too much like Robin it's scary.

The silence is a bit more awkward and to top it off Beastboy is the one working on my wound.

He quickly wraps my stomach in medical wrap right over a large square bandage.

"How does that feel?" He asks looking at me.

"Fine, thanks." I smile as he does back then begins to lace up my suit again.

"No problem mama." He finishes the lace with a tight fit then helps me up.

"Here let me help you." He picks me up by my waist, as my hands are resting on his shoulders, then puts me down to the ground.

He let's go and I nearly fall, only to be caught by him once again. I get picked up just like before but this time I didn't fall over.

"Titans!" Robin comes bursting through the door.

"What is it Robin?" I ask.

"We are home!" Star yells flying so frail like through the air.

"Rae, did you hear that? Home!" Beastboy exclaims picking me up spinning me around.

Damn, I've never seen him happier.

"Yes, yes I heard!" I exclaim as he puts me down.

"Look there's the tower!" Cyborg yells looking out the window behind Beastboy.

Robin doesn't show a smile nor any sign of happiness. His face was neutral and forbidden.

"Titans. Prepare for landing." He commands then leaves to land us.

Everyone gets on their stations while Beastboy stays with me holding me by my waist close to his body from turbulence and so I didn't fall.

It felt nice.. Wait.. What!? Ewww!

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