Chapter 6

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It took us a few hours to ask him all needed questions and to fill him in on all things necessary. I kept getting aggravated and had to meditate a few times just to calm down.

Everything was just too frustrating. The crime alert went off and we had no choice but to take Garfield so I carried him on a black flying disk that I rode standing up as he just sat in front of me.

I look down to see the creature that was terrorizing people.

"Robin who's that?" I ask through my T phone.

"Dr. Light." He responds as I smile.

We reach him and I put Garfield inside a building So he doesn't get hurt.

"Titans! Hello!" He says turning to us away from the two people he's been torturing.

I hear my name being screamed as I know that voice.

I rise up above Dr. Light to see who he's holding. Darla.

"Put. Her. Down." I say quietly.

"Oh you know this girl." He says looking back at the little one.

He cups her in a ball of white and I can't see her.

"LET HER GO!" I scream he blasts light at me as it shoots me down to the pavement making it crack.

I move away from him step by step.

"What's wrong afraid of a little light!?" He yells and keeps throwing light at me.

"Robin get the girl and turn her around." I say and he gets to the child as I distract Dr. Light. He breaks open the ball of light and turns her around.

I stand from the impacts as I rise into the air. My eyes go red revealing one other pair. I open my cloak showing all black and huge claws come out of it that come for Dr. Light. He screams and lowers himself.

"What's wrong afraid of the DARK!?" I screech and I wrap him in the large cloak then it spits him out as he's all clawed up and looks absolutely terrible.

I run to Darla and Robin turns back around. Once Darla sees me she runs to me. I catch her as she jumps and hugs me. I quickly put her down and see Dr. Light standing up hold a ball of white light in his hand I hold black energy in mine.

"Stop!" I hear a yell and look over to see Garfield come running it in between us right in front of me.

"Stupid boy." Dr. Light says and shoots his light.

"Gar!" I scream and jump in front of him covering him and Darla with a black dome as he repeatedly hits the dome with light.

"Garfield listen to me, I can't hold this much longer I need you to take Darla to her mother and take both of them inside understand me!?" I yell.

"Got it!" He yells back. I nod to him and he grabs Darla I quickly release the dome pushing Dr. Light back allowing Garfield to run all us Titans come at him with all we got.

We finally make Dr. Light stay down as the rest celebrate I run to Darla and she runs to me. I pick her up and hug her tight.

I put her back down and let her run to her mom in the building.

"RAVEN!!" Robin screams as a bomb drops on the building I look at Darla one time as I run to her and being pushed back into Garfirlds arms as he crouched over me.

"DARLA!" I scream and everything goes muffled.
I finally gain consciousness and stare at the burning building still in Garfield's grasp.

I jump to my feet looking around me, ash never settled. I run into the burning building, firefighters tried stopping me but I just pushed through.

I Don't Do... FEAR.[UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now