It's. Now. Over.

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** wow... it's acctually over I cant believe I've been working on this book for the past year and I never thought it would ever end.... I guess it has. Hopefully you enjoyed reading this book I know i enjoyed writing it but hey... I'm going to be starting on a RobinxStarfire fan fiction so stay tuned for that. If you don't mind, I would like all of my readers who have joined me on this fantabulous adventure to (in the comments) answer these three questions
1) what was your favorite part?
2) what was your least favorite part?
3) a rating from 1 - 10
(P.s. of you comment I'll follow you)

Thanks you guys so much I love you all my lovely readers couldn't have done this without you!!! So I'm going to leave with meh (semi) famous ending quote!!

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