Chapter 12

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The smell of cattle and sheep feces filled the air making me sick to my stomach.

"Ireland, the place where you can barf next to sheep shit, and no one would smell the difference." Beastboy says behind a plugged nose. I chuckled along with Star. We all gradually began to continue our adventure on foot.

Everything became very foggy and we all stuck close together. I hated every minute of it.
"Okay, Okay last one." Beastboy staggers, trying to stop laughing.

Everyone takes a deep sigh and becomes slightly limp.

I stay neutral on the outside, but I swear to the Lord above I'm ripping him to shreds on the inside.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Beastboy asks trying to calm down.

"To get away from the idiot making jokes about him." I answer showing bits of my aggravation. He chuckles and Robin's laughing so hard He snorts.

Star giggles and Cyborg laughs just as, if not harder, than Robin.

I smile looking at Beastboy.

"Wow, good one!" Beastboy answers laughing and stumbling over his feet.

Our laughing soon ended when a sheep's Baa was cut short. We listened closely for a minute or two and never let our guard down.

Suddenly the sheep that was taken comes bolting to the ground covered in blood, it had no head.

"See can't smell the difference." Beastboy whispers holding back a laugh.

"Beastboy not the time." Robin replies through gritted teeth.

Well now I'm officially keeping a score for how many people Beastboy aggravates.

Beastboy - 2

"Hey guys if you think about it we're kind of living Jurassic Park you know, with the dead sheep-"

"BEASTBOY!" Robin yells interrupting him.

A low, earth shaking bellow comes from the other side of the thick wall of fog.

Soon after a large, dark silhouette matches the roar, sending all of us stepping back, almost stepping on each other.

Didn't match Bigfoot nor a Cyclops. It was something that scared me more than anything.... more than spiders and that's saying a lot.

He was all red like a bloody red with deep brown horns, like deer horns but they looked like rams horns just didn't have a curl. He had two pairs of red eyes... like mine, and his claws were so sharp they cut through every leaf that fell on them, cleanest cut I've ever seen. His teeth drenched in blood as he looked down at all of us.

My knees trembled and somehow my hand found Beastboy's. My whole body went num and speech wasn't even a thing.

The team ran even Beastboy, as they all thought I was following. I just stood there looking at him.

"Raven come on!" Robin's voice muffled from behind me gets louder as he approaches me.

He grabs my hand and pulls as I take only a few steps backward then stop again.

Suddenly the beast roars once again and turns to dust but he doesn't fall to the ground.

The dust comes flying at me and as it hits me I begin screaming in agonizing pain.

A minute of this and it's over, I fall to the ground but only to be caught in the arms of the boy who saved me in the first place... Beastboy.
"Rae... Rae?" Beastboy's voice becomes clearer and clearer, as does the bright ass light, damn Sun.

"Beastboy I don't think repeating her name over and over again is gonna make it any better." Cyborg's voice rang from further away.

"Nope I'd say it's one hell of a way to wake someone up." I say my eyes still shut. Only to be burst open as Beastboy's embrace squeezes more air out of me.

Great BB just what I needed, no air.

"Raven!" He exclaims and everyone sits around us.

"Hello." I managed to say still losing air.

"Oh Sorry I should probably let go." He says and drops me. I hurdle towards ground faster than I can blink.

"You know I think breathing would be a great factor if you want me to live." I say sitting up looking around us.

"Guys how long was I out for?"

"About five hours." StarFire answers.

"Yeah, five hours of torture from this guy repeating your name over and over again." Cyborg points at BeastBoy.

"The important thing is that you're awake and our journey can continue." Robin stands up brushing off dust.

He helps me up as everyone stands with us.
For miles longer all that is seen is green rolling hills and fog... so. Much. Fog.

"Finally the top of the hill this has to be it!" Beastboy exclaims rushing up the hill. As he stands on the top he falls to his knees.

"What is it Beastboy?" Robin asks meeting him to the top.

"I can't see anything past the thick ass fog!" Beastboy exclaims pointing but still looking down.

"Alrigt fine I'm sick and tired of it, honestly I thought this would go by much faster." I say and rise into the air.

"Raven what are yo-"

"Shut up." I interrupt.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" I exclaim and the fog vanishes by spreading a part making a path for us to reach Ireland.

"Whoa Raven when did you learn to do that!?"

"Well actually I already knew how to do it... I just didn't want to use it I guess." I answer shrugging my shoulders.

"Friends, why are there multiple lights coming from the other side of that large hill?" Star asks and Beastboy's face lights up.

"Oh my dear Lord in heaven... we found it!" He jumps up and down while Star is clapping her hands.

"Alright guys come on." Robin leads us as he begins walking.

"Actually Robin how about I give you a ride." I stand next to him and make a large disc made of black energy right under his feet.

I begin to lift us up in the air and everyone joins us. Won't take long until we reach Ireland, here we come!

I Don't Do... FEAR.[UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now