The Vamp's Girl [03]

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There again I saw it, it's steady, unwavering electric blue eyes. I stared at the silky fur of the wolf staring back at me. It breathed a heavily gust of air my way, my heart strangely remained calm as it circled me eying me. It reached out to me and I automatically pulled out my hand.


I shot up in bed and scared myself half to death when I opened my eyes.

"Woah..." I muttered, I was in a white walled room, decorated with expensive looking artworks on the wall and antique looking furniture all around the room. "Where in the bloody world am I?" I asked myself as I ran a hand through my hair. I also had noticed I wasn't wearing my clothes from yesterday instead I realised my jeans and tank top were folded and put on a table at the foot of the bed. I looked down at the white dress that flowed softly to my knees and only one single thought came to mind. Keilor changed me. I gritted my teeth, it was one thing to drag me to some weird land and now to undress me?! Without my permission?! Or even being conscious?! Feeling furious, I slid my legs off the side of the bed and onto the cold floor.

I shivered and realised there was a pair of white slippers next to my feet, I slapped myself mentally and slipped them on. I went to the door and opened it and peeked my head out the corridor. Sitting outside my room were two bored looking men. One had hazel eyes and the other violet. I'd like to describe what they look like, but...there was no words to describe their drop dead appearance. The guy with hazel eyes had sharp features, eyes that resembled a hawks and his defined chin added an intelligent look to his face. The guy with violet eyes had purple hair that looked tussled, he had an innocent smile on his face that told me he had a cheerful personality.

"My Lady?" The hazel eyed guy questioned as if I wasn't suppose to be out of my room. He raised his eyebrow in confusion and I fumbled with something to say. Yes April, real smooth. Really smooth.

"Good sun My Lady! Was your sleep pleasant?" It was the cheerful violet eyed boy this time, his eyes shone when he stared at me. He got up to his feet and gave me a two finger salute, I just smiled at him smally. It was a moment of awkward silence between us as I was shocked just staring at them, so I decided to analyse the clothing they were wearing. They wore loose black shirts that resembled a pirate's top. Their pants were also black with two pockets on each side the hazel eyed guy had a bandage on his upper leg and they wore simple wow, black lace up boots.

I continued to stare at them interestingly, when they looked at each other with confused expressions.

"My Lady, were you looking for something?" There was a slight irritation in the hazel eyed guy's voice which made me step back into reality.

"Oh...I was looking for Keilor." I said, both the boys gave each other looks, I raised my eyebrow in curiosity.

"He is busy right now." The hazel eyed guy said.

"I don't care. I wanna see him now!" I demanded, as you can tell I'm not exactly a morning person. I could see the hazel eyed guy getting irritated as I saw his jaw clench.

"My Lady, it is not done. Com. Ruher is at a meeting." The violet eyed guy interjected.

"I don't care I'm going." I said turning left from the doorway. A hand slammed the wall next to my face, making a little gust of wind blow my hair to one side slightly blocking me from moving an inch.

"This is not an option, it's our duty to make sure you stay here." The hazel eyed guy growled at me, his face close to mine. I glared at him, his eyes unreadable. I wasn't going to be intimidated by him.

"Who in the bloody world are you?" I growled back, the hazel eyed guy looked taken back for a moment before recomposing himself to stare back at me.

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