The Vamp's Girl [07]

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Sweet sounds flowed to my ears, my eyes fluttered at the vulnerable sound of the music. It was as if it was calling to my heart. I stared around the bright room as I sat up, my head was a little dizzy and my muscles sore but besides that I was perfectly fine. I turned to where the beautiful sounds of the violin reached me and Keilor stood gently facing the window, his eyes closed as he swayed with the gentle hurt sounds of the violin I stared at him. It was the way the light hit his face, the way he looked so calm and the little smile on his face that made me smile at him. The song finished and he let out a small breath turning to look at me, his blazing gray eyes locking onto mine.

“Good sun April.” He said softly to me, I stared at him he just called me April. Just April. Uh oh...April! Do something, say something!

“Good morning er, Ruher?” I asked remembering what Lady Jasa told me about using people’s first name. He raised an eyebrow at me, coming to sit on the side of my bed, I fidgeted slightly with the threads on the blanket.

“Why did you stop calling me Keilor?” He asked leaning in closer, I blushed and continued to play with the threads not answering him. “April?” He called, I finally looked up at him, he was teasing me!

“I dunno…” I mumbled feeling so self conscious. I didn’t face him, I didn’t want to look up at him again. I didn’t want to lead him on, I was too afraid to let myself fall again. The silence was uncomfortable and I felt Keilor’s hand on mine. I had been shaking, he pulled me into a sudden embrace, that I accepted letting my head rest against his chest.

“Thank you.” He whispered to me. I looked up and his eyes blazed down at me. “For saving me.”

“I should be thanking you…” I mumbled, feeling so safe within his arms. The silence was comfortable but I grew restless from resting against his chest, I pushed myself off and got off the bed.

“Are you hungry?” He asked looking at me with a troubled look.

“Oh yeah, let me wash my face first.” I said, he nodded pointing to a door on the left. I walked in and closed the door, I washed my face and dried it I walked up to the mirror and saw why Keilor gave me such a troubled look. I lifted my shirt and I could see the grooves where my ribs were and the bruises on my arms and back, neck and mainly all over my body from what Nath had done to me. I shuddered touching my extremely pale face. I was so lucky I wasn’t dead at the moment, I moved the hair from my neck and saw two fading fang bites and shuddered. I remembered the feeling of it burning through my body and wanting it to stop but if he did he would die.

I closed my eyes and feel myself reconstruct the wall of emotions that was flooding my mind. I didn’t want to feel those emotions…especially the ones I felt for him. I’d never let myself fall in love. No, I’d never let myself fall in love with anyone. I smiled at my reflection one last time before I walked out.

“Lead the way to the meal!” I said cheerily, Keilor looked at me curiously for a moment before nodding his head.

“As you wish.” Keilor led the way to the dining hall, a massive room that probably could hold 500 people easily and wouldn’t even be half full. Already sitting there was Lady Jasa and another man I did not recognise. He was tall, silver hair and green eyes. He reminded me of Prince Charming for some reason. As we approached the table Lady Jasa and the other man smiled at us warmly.

“Good sun Marath, Jasa.” Keilor said, I just waved not sure what exactly to say.

“I am glad to see you are well dear sister.” Lady Jasa said standing up to embrace me, I stood frozen. She had acknowledged me as her family, someone so dear. Someone…to love, to be family with. I stared at the wall and gritted my teeth, I was suppose to smile and be joyful but it was so hard…so hard to be loved right when I taught myself to be alone. To be strong. To never depend on anyone. She let go and I tried my best to smile at her. Keilor put a hand on my shoulder and led me to sit beside Lady Jasa.

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