The Vamp's Girl [18]

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It felt like everything was back to normal at dinner, we sat together like a family and ate peacefully with a light conversation.

"Which reminds me," Jada began pulling me out of my sweet thoughts, I sat next to Seth who was contently eating back to normal, with slightly less hyperness. "Keilor, Knight D have you made preparations for the Northern King's stay?"

"All complete." Knight D said taking a sip from his cup. I dabbed my mouth with my napkin as I leaned back in my chair.

"Is someone coming to stay here Jasa?" I asked, under the table I felt Seth take my hand his fingers entwine with me I automatically leaned against him slightly.

"The Vampiric Lands are divided into areas. Recently a new King has been crowned in the Northern Area, it's tradition he'd come to visit the other lands before his official coronation." I could hear the smile in Seth's voice as he spoke, I stared at him with a smile.

"But why before his coronation?" I asked.

"So we can approve of him. Perhaps to seek a wife." Keilor added with a shrug.

"I think it's strange." I commented to myself with a shrug. The room remained silent as if they were waiting for me to continue with an explanation. I sighed and continued, "To me I don't understand why someone would 'seek a wife' why not just marry someone who they know they truly love. Why must they 'seek one' then it's like they aren't marrying for love." I finished.

"Status is important. Seeking may not be the correct term, perhaps scouting or courting may be the correct term." Knight D said. I sat in thought before frowning.

"Ah well. I shouldn't worry about it." I said with a shrug.

"You never know. The King might fall in love with you at first sight and try to court you." Keilor joked with a sly grin. I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed.

"Highly unlikely!" I said lightly slapping the table causing little electric sparks to shoot like a wave across the table causing everyone to scrap their chairs back a little. I brought my hands to my face in shock. I turned to look at Jasa to see if she was alright.

"I'm so so-sorry! I-" I began waving my hands frantically, I still hadn't managed to control my powers. Jasa examined her arm, her sleeve was slightly ripped with a small graze, little electric blue sparks radiating off it.

"My, could you get me a bandage Leo?" Jasa asked, Marath quickly rose to his feet his footsteps echoing in the hall.

"Jasa...why aren't you healing?" I asked standing up, I looked at her slowly bleeding arm. Confusingly I touched it, causing her to flinch slightly.

"A common side affect of a Kiarian's venom. We cannot heal from it, I suppose you inherited that attribute. All Ki'aps possess this, in their blood." a question rose to my mind and I opened my mouth to ask it but instead I closed my mouth and apologised again. Jasa in return only said it was nothing with a smile.

"Do not worry, the pain is minimal. It was an accident." She said when I still stood next to her unsure of what to do. I can't believe I'd been so careless, what if I'd been angry when I did that? I could have killed someone...I could have hurt someone I really cared about.  I sucked in a deep breath realising that I'd been careless with my actions, I could have done a great deal of damage. I could've done so much more...

"April." The soft calming voice caused me to look up, Knight D stood there staring deep into my eyes calming me down. I let out a deep breath and felt the tension drop from the air. 

"Sorry." I said my eyes looking at each person in the room. 

"Stop apologizing. It is fine." Jasa insisted with a sweet smile I smiled back at get pulling her into a hug being careful of her arm. She chuckled as I felt her hug me back. 

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