The Vamp's Girl [10]

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The sunlight hit my face early in the morning and I rolled over and  I hit something warm. I opened my eyes and saw Seth scrawled out on the bed next to me, I sat up and yawned, Keilor was resting on the chair at the front of the room and Johson and Karan were sleeping on the floor. We had all gone high on the way back to the hotel and I forgot how it happened but we all decided to sleep in the same room. I chuckled, last night was a good night, a new beginning.

I threw off the covers and tiptoed over to the window and closed the heavy curtains the room became a chilling dark, I then tiptoed over the sleeping brothers and went to the bathroom, I washed my hair and brushed my teeth. I can’t believe that I’d say we could go to the mall today. To be honest I hated the mall, I hated little preppy girls staring at me and desperate girls trying to pick up hot boys. I sighed and rolled my eyes, I picked up a white tank top and black skinny jeans I also threw on a pair of red chequered sneakers. I towel dried my hair and decided it was time to wake up the boys, I stepped outside and instantly I was tackled to the floor lightly and all I could make out was purple hair.

“SETH!” I giggled as he began to tickle me, I squirmed and tried to get away, I grabbed his arms and he only smiled sitting on top of me. It should have been an awkward position as he held my hands above my head leaning down close to my face.

“Good sun Lady April!” He said, I turned my hip and managed to roll over so that now I was sitting on Seth, I tried to get up but he only grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down again, I squeaked in surprised.

“Put me down Seth!” I said, he put me down and I started laughing, he smiled at me and blushed slightly. “You’re so hyper in the morning. Gees, what was that all about?” I asked, fixing my shirt and my hair.

“Isn’t that how you greet each other here? Karan and Johson told me so.” Seth said pointing to the corner where Johson and Karan were now lying on the floor laughing their butts off. I ran a hand through my hair and just laughed. Seth began to blush and tackled Karan and Johson both and I sighed as they brawled playfully. As they all rolled on the floor they knocked the vase on the table, I gasped running towards it, as I caught it the door opened and Knight D and Keilor looked at us with their mouths open.

“What in the…” Knight D asked, he jumped to the other side of the room and tore the happily brawling Johnson, Karan and Seth apart. Karan had an already fading scratch on his cheek.

I rolled over making sure I didn’t break the vase and put it back on the table, that was too close.

“Where did you guys go?” I asked Keilor as he tossed strange looking bracelets to the boys.

“We went to pick up the sunlight charms.” He said slipping on one himself, I stared at it. It was a picture of a sun on a piece of leather braided material. Seth slipped his on and opened the curtain I watched as the sunlight hit his skin making him glow in a vibrant glow, it astounded me how perfect they all looked in the sunlight. “Because some people forgot theirs.” Keilor muttered, Seth only chuckled playfully.

“Come now, the day shall be wasted! Let’s go watch that thing called a movie.” Seth said, the three boys ran out of the room happily, I shrugged my shoulders grabbing my wallet and lip balm and went out. Outside they were still brawling around slightly, people turned to look at the maniacal hypo boys playing out on the street.

“OH DOM IS THE LAST ONE OUT. HE’S GOING TO PAY.” Seth said running down the street, Knight D glared at him, growling under his breath. Dom? Who was Dom?

“Did he just call you Dom?” I asked Knight D who blushed furiously, then I realised something. “SETH THE MALL IS THE OTHER WAY!” I called down the street, seconds later Seth came running back with his hands in the air.

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