The Vamp's Girl [04]

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Lady Jasa’s room was magnificent, the silver flowers curved and subtlety shined against the wall as if she brought them to life. Her room was spacious and she walked with an elegant grace that must have taken years to perfect. She led me over to a sitting area where there was comfy looking chairs and a low table in the middle that resembled a coffee table.

“Just imagine yourself all alone. Just think your thoughts can’t be heard by anyone else.” Lady Jasa said as I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I pictured myself all alone in a world of my own, sitting cross legged on the ground I felt completely at peace. A place where my thoughts were safe and no one could touch them. Suddenly, my world was invaded and a giant wolf stalked into my world. I felt myself not alone as the wolf stared at me with electric blue eyes. It stared at me and I stared at it all alone, why was this wolf in my world? I felt a pang of familiarity and sadness radiate from the wolf, I reached out to touch it, I was so close to it before I opened my eyes. I gasped as I sat up staring at Lady Jasa who was looking down at me.

“You stopped breathing.” She commented, I sat up off the ground. I put a hand to my head as I felt slightly dizzy.

“Did you see it?” I asked her, she stared at me questioningly. “Did you see what was inside my head?” I asked her hoping she would tell me what it meant.

“No. I cannot read your thoughts as long as you imagine your world.” She said helping me stand up.

Suddenly without warning the doors started to bang and it cracked breaking sending shards flying in all directions of the room. Seth and Knight D came sliding in with their hands blocking their face, I gasped as their fangs became extended, their nails growing to an inch long and their eyes a scary blood thirsting red.

A growling bought my attention back and I saw a pack of wolves the size of lions stalk into the room, but only one caught my attention. The one with electric blue eyes and fur, time seemed to slow down as our eyes locked and I felt the familiarity to go to it. It was…calling me. Why…? Before I knew it I was walking towards the largest of the wolves, my hand extending. I gasped, it was the wolf I saw moments ago. Why was it calling me?

“Lady April!” Knight D called grabbing my arm pulling me back, I started breathing again as he pushed me back, I took a few steps back and Lady Jasa held me firmly by the shoulders, before I tripped over.

“Stay back, you could get hurt.” She whispered as Knight D and Seth launched at the wolves in a diagonal pattern, so fast my eyes hurt trying to keep up with their frantic looking attack pattern. But the wolves were fast too, they worked in teams of two dodging and attacking together. They were a solid defence and attack rolled into one. Before I knew it more soldiers rolled into the room and the wolves attack and defence were breaking down to the amount of attack.

I didn’t even notice when Lady Jasa’s hands slipped from my shoulders, I felt a hand quickly wrap around my mouth and another around my waist pulling me back. They were so fast and so strong that no one even noticed me being pulled away. I heard the shatter of glass as they pushed themself against the window breaking it and before I knew it we were falling, I screamed into the person’s hand, they held on tight to me as I closed my eyes and tensed for the impact. When nothing happened I opened my eyes and I was still high off the ground, I looked up to see amber eyes and light brown hair. It was the man Keilor called Nath. He smiled down at me, I could still hear the battle going on. I stared up and saw Nath had giant leather wings. By this stage nothing impressed me anymore.

“Hello Princess.” He called softly to me, he was holding me in bridal style, tightly enough to make sure I couldn’t escape. Didn't stop me from trying though, com on April all those fights in school should have made great practice for this!

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