The Vamp's Girl [05]

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NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SONG LYRICS _______________________________________________________________________________


My body burned and ached as I breathed, it was like fire running inside my blood. I tried moving my body but it was like burning increased. I sighed as I let the tears flow freely as they aided in taking away parts of the pain…not really. I just didn’t want to admit it hurt so bad that my body was on fire. I had no idea what was going on, I struggled to move, groans escaped my lips as I wanted it stop. I’d do anything to make the burning stop…

“I’ll make it stop.” That sickening voice cooed to me, I opened my eyes and looked up into Nath’s bright amber eyes shining with lust and who knows what else. I tried to twist away from him as he sat on the edge of my bed, he pulled me into a sitting position, his fingers cold like ice. I tried to push him away from me but with no avail, he was just too strong. My skin was burning so bad right now. He placed a cup to my lips and I drank the liquid he gave me, the burning became a duller pain that was durable. I moved my hand to my eyes and wiped away the sticky tears, I hated crying especially in front of someone else. He stroked my cheek and I turned my head, he was a jerk! I raised my hand to try and slap him but he caught my slow moving hand, I felt so weak now.

“Stop drugging me, you jerk…hole!” I mumbled falling onto his chest, my eyes fluttering to a close. He cooed incoherent words to me and the last thing I thought of was a knight in shiny armour coming to my rescue.



My footsteps were heavy and the lack of energy left me in a foul mood, I strode quickly up to the Supplement door, I pushed it open with ease and scanned the dark, foul smelling area. I hated this place, the place where they fed those were addicted to blood, those who couldn't resist the temptation of waiting until Feeding Season. If I had a choice I would have never have come here, but I desprately needed to find her. I had to find April and I had to do it as quick as possible.

“Not yet feeding season ey Com. Ruher?” Mizher asked me from the counter, I ignored his statement throwing cash his way. He quickly swiped the money from the table and handed me a bag full of supplement blood. It was horrid and never lasted long but there was little choice, I lost April’s scent and I couldn’t feel her mind anywhere. I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked out.

I walked until I was far away from anyone, slumping down against a tree and took out the packet, I stared at the liquid in disgust. Sighing I ran a hand through my hair feeling my fangs extend, I bit into the foul packet and took a sip draining it fast and feeling the warm fluids stream through my blood. My eyes dilated for a moment feeling the blood rush excite me, I had to get a move on though, this wasn't going to last long.

I opened my wings again and flexed them a little. I was going to pay an old friend a little visit. With that said, I jumped off the ground and let the wind guide my wings up into the sky.



My eyes fluttered open to someone brushing my hair, I had changed clothes and now was wearing a red silky dress. It was strapless and went down to my knees, I wore 4 inch heels and massive bracelets on my wrists, I looked down to see red looking lines running around my wrists when I struggled within my restraints. The girl who was doing my hair didn’t even bother to look at me as she began to pin my hair up letting the curls fall over on one side.

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