The Vamp's Girl [24]

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I unwraveled the bandages around my stomach and touched the soft unscarred skin, I was amazed I was able to heal so quickly within 2 days. I was just happy I could move and jump around as much as I could, staying so still and being so slow annoyed me so much and I itched to run around and jump around. I stretched my body, feeling it stretch in my arms and lower back. Okay, one quick run around the castle before I get ready for the Northern King’s arrival.

I threw on my tank top and opened the door, Knight D, Seth and Keilor all looked up at me and watched me carefully...uh oh they’re on to me. Oh well.

“Where are you going April?” Keilor asked suspiciously, I only grinned happily as I inched towards the door.

“Oh you know, just a quick RUN AROUND THE CASTLE!” I said yanking open the door and sprinting out of it. The servants were so used to me running around now, they simply cleared the path for me.

“APRIL!!” I heard the calls come from behind me but I wasn’t stupid enough to turn around, I ducked under a servant’s tray of food as I came to the stairs. I went down them two at a time, trying my best not to trip over. I could hear them running after me, my heart raced as I continued to run at a faster pace, going left, DUCK, JUMP! right, up the stairs again I was almost half way when as I turned the corner I narrowly missed Marath who was walking through, I spinned past him but he easily caught the back of my tank top and yanked me back making me fall onto my butt.

“April...where do you think you’re going?” He asked me, with his hands on his hips in a fatherly manner. I pouted and crossed my arms hearing Knight D, Seth and Keilor’s footsteps catch up with me.

“I was just going for a run.” I shrugged standing up, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and smiled at the three irritated men standing before me.

“You can run later...if Mira realizes you are not yet ready for the North-” He began but stopped short.

“April? WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING? GO GET READY!” I turned to see a furious looking Jasa behind me and I cringed, that look was one of pure irritation and I quickly saluted before rushing back to my room.

“The only time Lady Jasa ever gets angry is when guests arrive.” Seth chuckled as he matched my pace and we headed back to my room.

As I entered my room, I saw Anda had been cleaned and washed and was wearing an adorable little dangling crown of blue that matched his eyes. I went to admire it but Keilor pushed me towards the bathroom.

“You heard Jasa, clean up time.” He said shoving me into the bathroom and closing the door hard enough to make it brush the tangled hair out of my face. I rolled my eyes and mocked Keilor ‘clean up time’ before I stripped off my clothes and dived into the now semi cold water and began to clean myself.

I slipped into a sparkling white embrodied black dress with a light purple sash. (picture on the side)

I quickly dried my hair and watched as it curled around my face. I put in purple earrings to match my dress and then I slipped on a pair of black flats. I wasn’t confident to wear heels at the moment.

“I’M READY!” I said opening the door. Keilor leaned against the window sill, dressed in a black uniform embrodied with white jewels and a red sash around his waist. Knight D sat on the chair closest to my bed, sitting lazily wearing the same uniform as Keilor. Lastly Seth stood randomly in the middle of the room dressed in a red uniform, with a white sash. “Wow...” I breathed as I stared at how handsomely dressed and serious they seemed to look.

“You look absolutely stunning April.” Knight D said with a smile, I smiled back at him. I began to walk out the door until I realized.

“You guys...are actually quite tall.” I said, I thought for a moment before walking back into my room, I picked a pair of white laced heels with bows on the side. I slipped them on and stood next to Seth. “This is better.” I said.

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