The Vamp's Girl [27]

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I lay on my bed staring into space thinking about absolutely nothing at all. Every time I closed my eyes I saw the wolf again; it meant something. Something so important. I shook my head, no point obsessing over it. I let out a sigh and rolled over feeling something squish under me, I lifted my arm and Anda jumped up growling at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Your bed is over there Anda~” I growled not in the mood to fight with him, he growled again padding around my bed before settling down on my stomach. I laughed watching him bounce, he panicked and quickly jumped off. “Yeah, that’s right. My bed.” I said patting where I was semi lying. “Your bed.” I said pointing to the other cott on the side of the room, he stared at me before ignoring me completely and stalking off. I rolled my eyes, royal Leons.

Feeling restless, I got off my bed and opened the window. The breeze was calm and cooling, reminding me of how free my life was. I stared out into the open skies and smiled, Earth didn’t compare to this.

“Enjoying the view?” I turned around to see Xavious’ leaning casually against my door. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed.

“Don’t you ever knock?” I asked sarcastically at him, he smirked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“I like to be a suprise.” He said arrogantly and I rolled my eyes at him, royalty was twisted indeed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked closing my room window, with one last lingering look at Keilor training his army.

“Escorting you to dinner.” He said holding out his arm with a reluctant sigh I took his arm and together we went to dinner.

At dinner I felt uneasy...everyone was constntly talking about ‘my impossible feat’ of winning the game of Targets. The last person to do that was my father...My father. I drifted in and out of the conversation; I hated being this center of attention. What did it even mean in the first place? My fingers began absentmindedly tracing the engravings on my glass; twirls and swirls it was calming. It was all just another reminder that I was so different, I may be protected within the walls of the city and in the Castle itself but outside I was vulnerable...I didn’t understand the culture or how things worked. It was completely foreign to me.

“Where is Lauriel?” I blurted out suddenly out of nowhere. It had just occured to me, that she wasn’t constantly by my side mocking me or throwing insults in my face. Other than that, wasn’t it rude that she wasn’t present where Xavious’ was? She was fidgety and more vicious than she normally was when he was was almost as if...-

“She said she was feeling faint.” Ledett Summer said quietly, I played with my fork twisting it within my fingers for a moment. It was almost as if-

“When did she say that?” I asked, my eyebrows bending in thought.

“Right after you earned the title Empress of Lightning.” Then it clicked, I bit my lip for a moment.

“I’m going to see if she is alright.” I said standing up.

“Why bother the Lady?” Xavious’ asked with a raised eyebrow, he took a sip from his cup. His eyes captured mine and demanded I remained seated but something was nagging on the edge of my mind.

“Just a feeling.” I muttered as the doors to the Great Hall opened, I walked through the corridors; turning left and up the stairs. I knew that Lauriel was not sick, even if she was...she would have made the effort still to come to dinner. Besides, I doubt that vampires feel faint...-unless they lack blood. I paused for a moment to contemplate this...she might eat me. I shook my head and laughed away the silly thoughts as I continued walking, turn right and through this corridor. I stopped and looked around - where was I?

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