The Vamp's Girl 26

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“Are you sure you want to play such a challenging game?” Laruiel asked delicately twirling an arrow between her gloves, I watched as the multicoloured feathers melted together to create a desireable swirl of colours. I rolled my eyes at her, over her shoulder against the tree was Xavious, he had a pleasant smile on his face as he conversed with some of the other Ledetts. I stared at him narrowing my eyes, his eyes caught mine for a moment and I broke my gaze with him. He was just playing a game with everyone, his true colours were ugly and distained. I couldn‘t believe someone like him would be a King, then again royalty had usually always been twisted...

“Hey, why aren’t you over there? Conversing with the ‘all mighty Northern King?’” I asked, using air quotes as I picked up stringed holster. It resembled a cross bow and a regular string bow together. It rested on the arm and was tightened with straps and the trigger was the strength and pull of the bow string. Laruiel crossed her arms against her chest and her eyes slightly twitched in his direction but she refused to look at Xavious’ direction completely.

“Keep your head in the game Lady April. Lack of concerntration will garantee a failure.” She said stalking off. I bit my tongue trying not to throw a witty come back at her, I was only trying to be nice to her.

“Settle April. If you seeth anymore with anger I’m pretty sure everyone here will explode.” I turned around to see Seth standing so close behind me it made me stumble and fall onto the lush grass.

“Oh, Seth! Gosh, you scared me.” I said, he held out a hand and helped me out. I quickly wiped the dirt off my skirt and readjusted my holster. “So, what are you doing here?” I asked him, the wind blew gently brushing my hair off to the side.

“We all have the day off. So we decided we would come watch the games.” He said with a gentle and calm smile.

“We?” I asked with my eyebrow raised. Don’t say Keilor...don’t say Keilor...

“Yep. Me, Knight D, Com. Ruher and even your platoon of men.” He said. I looked over his shoulder and sure enough my small army of men emerged slowly out of the trees so easily. “Besides a game of targets isn’t a game without an audience.” His voice had dropped an octave making me shudder slightly. “Do your best okay? We’ll be cheering you on.” He said, before I could tell him that this was a mistake and I was going to embarass myself, he had turned on his heel and just walked away instantly. Don’t leave me! I stood there without the courage to run after him and tell him that and without the courage to turn and play a game I had no idea how to play.

“April?” I forced to turn around by Xavious’ voice calling me. I turned with a sour face and he only smiled at me.

“My, my. You must have eaten something very sour to be making that face.” He chuckled, a sly smile played to my lips as I looked up at him.

“Nah, just saw your face.” I said innocently, skipping to join the rest of the Ledetts.


Calm, breathe in! Breathe out! Repeat!



“Are you sure you’ll be alright Lady April?” A voice broke me from my thoughts and I turned to see Ledett Summer. She had bright red hair and orange hair, framing her beautifully. “You look confused.” It’s okay, be cool. I just have to observe the Ledetts and attempt to do as they do.

“To be honest, I have no idea how to play this game.” I admitted, letting myself breathe it all out in the few words I had just spoken. I was going to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

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