The Vamp's Girl [31]

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My eyes fluttered open and I groaned as I sat up; silk sheets slid off my body and I looked around; where was I? The room walls were red and the sheets were midnight blue; everything in the room was coloured and decorated with jewels and artworks. A cold breeze ran over my skin and I pulled the silk sheets back over my shoulders someone had changed me into a plain white silk nightgown.

“Did you have sweet dreams Princess?” I looked up Nath stalked into the room followed by a group of smiling girls who looked about my age.

“Where’s Keilor?” I demanded; was he okay? I needed to see him.

“You need not bother with him. Welcome to my humble home.” He said with a curtious bow. I began to open my mouth to demand that I see Keilor but Nath only held up a hand silencing me.

“In your stay here you’ll obey my rules,” As if I was going to do what he said. The first chance I get I’d look for Keilor. “if you wish to see you beloved again.” I froze. He smirked allknowingly; it was as if he knew. He already knew everything.

“Be good, listen to me and I’ll give you your last wish. You may go whereever you wish to go in my home-only in my home. These maidens will be your companions they’ll follow you whereever you go. If you try to escape I’ll kill Keilor in the most painful I can conjour-mind you; I’m very creative. Follow my orders and I might let you see him.” Nath smirked and I cringed. I had no choice.

“ you mean my last wish?” I asked him; I knew the answer but I wanted him to say the words.

“Silly, you’re going to be sacrificed tomorrow. I’ll grant you your last wish soon.” He smiled at me and my eyes widened and I might have forgotten to breathe. Sacrificed?

“You’re going to kill me?” I croaked, I clutched the sheets tightly.

“You’re the only person who can give me the Lord King’s power. Be grateful that you’ll be a part of history.” He turned on his heel and left the room; the three girls stood there smiling gently at me.

“Princess please; you’ll catch a cold in that nightgown. Choose some clothes to wear.” A girl said; she had lush red hair tied into a high pony that cascaded down her back, she dragged a rack of dresses out. I stood up and picked a simple purple dress, it reached my knees and hung loosely off my shoulders.

“Are you hungry?” Another asked, she had jet black hair that reached her shoulders.

“Just leave me alone.” I whispered going to lie back down on my bed.

“We cannot do that.” A timid voice whispered.

“Please...” I whispered back curling into a ball.

“We beg you; do not send us away. If we do not stay Master will kill us.”

I shut my eyes and urged my selfishness to disappear; I had a day to do whatever I wished. I sat up and turned around.

“Call me April; what are your names?” I asked them.

“Rahat.” The red haired girl spoke first.

“Bellon.” The short jet blacked hair girl said.

“Timia.” The final girl spoke she had silky blue hair tied back by a ribbon and bright blue eyes.

It turns out after talking with the girls, I found out they were average normal teenage human girls who were brought here to serve. I felt sorry for them; I never told them I was from Earth though. It was amazing how strong they were; to be here in this place. It’s been years - or felt like years since they were brought here, they were struggling to survive here.

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