The Vamp's Girl [09]

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I opened my eyes to a wet cheek, I felt something licking my face. I opened my eyes and came face to face with something unfamiliar, it was a brown like yellow colour creature. I screamed and opened my door I ran out and ran into something someone bouncing off of them tumbling to the ground. I groaned sitting up rubbing my head.

“Good sun April.” I looked up and saw Keilor looking down at me, I flushed and stood up.

“There’s some strange thing in my room. It tried to eat me!” I said, I heard a low growl echo from inside my room and in fear I grabbed Keilor’s arm.

“That’s a present from me.” He chuckled evilly.

“You bought me a creature that’s going to eat me?!” I exclaimed, I was shocked Keilor was definitely evil. He grabbed my hand and dragged me back into my room ignoring my protests. I looked at the creature from behind Keilor, it had yellow and brown fur, it resembled that of a lion, except it had pointy ears and blue eyes, it had strange silver plaiting running along its lower spine to it’s back. It looked at Keilor and let out a little cute yelp before sitting on the ground and licking it’s paws, I watched as it’s claws unsheathed itself and I gasped when I saw sky blue metal.

“You got me a lion?” I asked him, he looked down at me and pushed me closer slightly, the lion thing stared at me for a moment before going back to cleaning itself.

“It’s not a lion. Lions only exist in your world. Here, this is a Leon. A similar species to that of a lion. I thought you might like him.” I stared at the Leon and the more I looked it the more it became cute in my eyes.

“It’s so cute!” I said going over to it, it looked at me it was the size of a small kitten. I picked up and held it close to my face, he stared at me before licking me face and I giggled. Keilor coughed behind me and I turned to look at him holding my little cute leon.

“I thought you’d like him because he’s of a brave species that are vicious.” Keilor stated and I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Him vicious? Nah, he’s so cute.” I said taking him over to my bed he sat nicely on my lap. Keilor came over and sat down next to me.

“What will you name him?” He asked me sitting down next to me.

“Let’s call him Anda.” I smiled liking the name very much. Keilor petted his head and he purred loudly.

“Keilor…” I asked petting Anda, he purred contently on my lap.

“Mhm?” He asked, I leaned gently against his shoulder.

“What’s a Ki’ap?” I asked, his body tensed again and I waited for his answer. Why was I getting the feeling that he was avoiding this question?

“It’s what we call your kind…harshly.” He looked away and put a hand on his shoulder.

“I don’t care. The word means nothing to me.” I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

We talked for a short while about nothing at all until Keilor had to go back to the training grounds leaving me alone with Anda. I stroked him until I was bored and I think Anda became sick of the attention.

“Wanna go for a walk Anda?” I asked, he purred and I put on my jeans and top and slippers before slipping out of the room, I walked down the corridor, knowing my way a little I walked all the way to a balcony where I could see down the training grounds and the rest of the Vampiric lands. It was mostly forest and the breeze brushed my hair out of my face. I could see bright white towers in the distance, I wondered what else was out there.

“I wonder if anyone misses me.” I murmured, Anda climbed up onto the balcony ledge and sat there skilfully staring out and purring with me.

“It’ll soon be that time of year again…this time I wonder if they’ll let me go home.” Anda stared at me curiously tilting his head, I petted him and he purred; I left the balcony and went to find Jasa.

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