The Vamp's Girl [21]

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I stared into the clear blue water of the pool moving my feet casually in the water, I felt so calm and my aching feet seemed to enjoy it. Keilor sat cross legged next to me, staring at the reflective water. I didn't want to go back to Ledett was just ridicule, simple and plain ridicule. But I was glad Keilor had kept me company...I just didn't want to be alone.

"If you have things you have to can go." I said hesitantly looking up at him. His eyes stared into the water for a moment before they turned slowly to me, the water made his eyes a beautiful light glowing gray that captivated me.

"What better things would I have to attend to, when a Lady needs my assistance." He questioned me. I smiled at him and shook my head my hair falling off my shoulders lightly.

"I'm not much of a Lady. I might as well give up and tell Lauriel that I surrender." I sighed staring at the beautiful yellow sky.

"You're not one to surrender." Keilor commented laying down onto the grass his hands crossed behind his head acting as a headrest. I let out a little chuckle.

"Well...I guess not. But going back in there is kind of like suicide. I can war it now they're all there laughing at me." I shrugged my shoulders. I'd never thought I'd see the day I'd admit I couldn't win. Even stupid dares like driving off bridges into rough water terrains didn't deter me from doing it without a second thought. I wonder how simple Ledett classes could throw me off tremendously. I frowned and kicked the water feeling the despair of plainly and simply giving up. Keilor remained silent for a moment before he licked his lips and let out a playful chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I asked him slapping him playfully on the arm , feeling my cheeks flush. Was he laughing at me?

"Do you really have such good hearing? Even I cannot hear the Ledetts laughing at you." He said confused, it made me laugh until I fell onto the grass beside him. I rolled onto my side for a moment clutching my stomach, our laugh echoing into the trees that provided shade above us.

"I didn't mean it in a literal term. I just know that they're so much better than me. It's true, Keilor, how am I meant to be a princess when I can't even handle Ledett classes?" I asked sitting up, I tucked my legs up against my chest and wrapped my arms around them, feeling the coldness of the water seep through my clothes.

 "Do you know what's so likable about you April?" He asked, I turned my head to look at him. His blazing calm eyes stared into mine, making me catch my breath.

"I'm laughable?" I offered, I felt like a person in a completely foreign place. Sure, I was fine when Jasa was around, she always defended me and Marath treated me like a real little sister as well. I was well looked after, it was only when they weren't around...I felt

"You're fun." he finished. I cracked a smile and let out a scoff.

"I'm fun?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Fun. You have not met the real princesses of this land. Princesses here are no fun. But you, you're fun. You're different. You stop all functioning in the room when you walk in and people turn their heads just to see you walk in. That is why the Ledetts are so jealous. They want that ability, they don't have that at all."Keilor shook his head sitting up, so that we were leveled. I searched his face again. His clipped up hair let me see his beautiful gray eyes, sharp defined nose, his angular jawline. I looked at his black uniform and black boots.

I avoided his gaze and began to play with the grass, pulling out the shorter bits and twirling the longer strands in my fingers, feeling the tickling feeling as my hand brushed over it.

"At this rate Lauriel will still win our bet. No one would court a ki'ap. No one would court me." I blurted out remembering Madame Keshsia's voice, her words echoing in my head.

"What bet?" Keilor asked curiously and I slapped my hand over mu mouth. I did not just say that! Especially around Keilor, who liked to tease me!

"Oh look the clouds are so...fluffy today." I said pointing at the sky. Please buy it! Please take the bait, change the subject! He didn't buy it.

"April, what bet?" he asked a little more seriously. Ah dang it. No point hiding it now...since I blurted it out. Stupid me. Stupid me, stupid me! I mentally kicked myself and groaned.

"So...the other day...Lauriel bet that I couldn't woo the Northern King upon his stay." I finally regretfully, painfully said. "If I lose, I have to court the man of her wishing." I peeked a look at Keilor who looked at me with a raised eyebrow, oh boy. Here we go...

"Let's get to work." he said, I stared at him with my jaw in an o shape.

"Wait-wh-what work?" I questioned as he pulled me up, I grabbed my heels as he took my hand and began to pull me towards the looming castle.

"Well, I have to turn you into a princess." He said cockily pulling me along, I snatched my hand back causing him to turn around to look at me in question.

"You're going to turn me into a princess?" I repeated questioningly. Now this had to be another trick, a game Keilor was playing. He couldn't be serious...

"Yes." he said with a bright smile. Okay he's serious.

"Why...would you help me?" I asked him, I was touched but I could tell that there was a motive behind his eyes.

"I do have a condition to this." he whispered striding towards me closing the distance between us that didn't actually seem to be much in the first place.

"A condition?" I questioned nervously.

"Mm yeh. After you woo the Northern King...let me court you." He whispered tucking a piece of hair behind my ear staring deep into my eyes.

"Whaa..." I semi screeched out, Keilor chuckled leaning his forehead against mine our noses touching gently.

"Yes or no?" he questioned already well knowing what the answer would be. "Yes." I whispered back feeling him entwine his fingers with mine as he pulled me into the castle.

I wanted to ask him why he would court a Ki'ap...but I stopped myself...afraid of the answer I might be avoiding. Afraid of the light I'd been hiding from. Hiding from the truth that was as plain as day. So I closed my eyes and let Keilor lead me, my heart skipping beats but my mind was some where else.


"What happens if we broke up?" My eyes were closed, his voice travelled to my ears waking me slightly from my thoughts.

"I want to be with you. That's all that matters to me right now." I whispered my eyes still closed, I knew he was staring at me. I felt his chest rise and fall as I listened to his soft heartbeat. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to think about sad things about breaking up or drama...I just wanted to be. Be with Adam.

"You know...if anything kept me from you...I still love you." He said stroking my hair, I finally opened my eyes and looked into his electric blue eyes, embracing the truth that laid before me.

"Nothing will take you away from me." I whispered back, I said the words I wanted so much to be true...there was doubt in my voice.


OMG GUYS~! ITS NOVEMBER 22 (australian daylight savings time, yes I'm from australia) I TOLD YOU I'D BE BACK! OH YEAH. I FINISHED MY FINAL EXAM TODAY. AND I AM LOVING THE SWEET SWEET TASTE OF FREEDOMMMM!~ Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. It was fun to write. Please comment, rate, vote, whatever! I hope you enjoyyyedddd!~ I'll try and update again soon... Love yahs. Till then Lovelies! ~~ <3

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