The Vamp's Girl [17]

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I let out a sigh feeling extremely tired as Anda carried on, we’d been riding through the night and it was about midday. I could feel my muscles sore from riding and Anda’s soft panting as he continued. I leaned down so my head rested in his sweet smelling fur, scratching his head softly making him purr contently. I was so glad that Anda came with me; I wouldn’t have even made it this far without him.

“This probably wasn’t such a good idea.” I told Anda as he slowly made his way through the dense forest. It probably wasn’t such a good idea to leave the Castle without food or supplies...

Smart move April…

It wasn’t my fault! My mind was set on other things…

I hope he’s near.

From what I could sense Seth wasn’t too far away. I didn’t know how I knew, but I bet it was instinct telling me that he was close. It had to be, he had to be.

I bit my lip, why did he run away? Was it because of me? Why did this always happen to me? I felt my heart sink at the thought that Seth ran away because he felt he was responsible for killing me. I don’t blame him, I’d already been told that Demon was a dangerous animal; I was just stupid enough to not take their advice.

I sighed feeling my stomach rumble, I clutched it feeling embarrassed even though there was no one in sight. I looked to my left at the beautiful clear flowing stream and deciding it was time for a break I urged Anda towards it and he complied speeding up.

I jumped off Anda’s back and stretched my arms, feeling all the tension in my back and legs. I shook them lightly feeling my muscles expand and contract. I groaned, after this was over I knew I’d have sore limbs…I crouched down by the water’s edge, staring at my tired, slightly dead appearance. I dismissed the thought as I dipped my hands into the cold spring water, making my reflection ripple. I took a deep swallow of the fresh water. I heard a crunch behind me and instantly ducked and rolled backwards pulling out Keilor’s blade I readied myself for battle. Anda growled as I drew the blade out of its sheath. There stood a strange man, dressed in a dark torn black trench coat and a hooded face; he carried a medium sized hammer on his back. I gripped my blade a little harder as I stared at him.

“Who are you?” I asked, eying the man. He had long black shaggy hair that was messy and unkept, his face was hard and dark and I could see faint battle scars along the bridge of his nose and across his chin. His eyes were a dark amber blazing in the afternoon sun.

“Just a stranger.” He said taking a step towards the stream, he bent down tasting the water and I back away towards the tree trunk. “Pretty ladies like yourself shouldn’t be walking around in the middle of forests by themselves.” The man said wiping his face with his hands; Anda eyed him circling loosely looking for a sign of threat.

“I’m not alone. I have my Leon.” I said pointing at Anda who growled as if on cue. The man looked at Anda for a moment before his eyes met mine. He let out a chuckle that made my confidence in Anda drop, he stood up for a moment stretching his arms.

“Your Leon will do you little help in these parts of the forest.” He said slumping down on the ground right where he stood. I relaxed a little sitting against the tree trunk.

“What do you mean?” I asked, Anda came and sat next to me still glaring at the strange man. He chuckled, his laugh echoing through the forest a little.

“Naïve little Ki’ap. You’re the one known as Lady April are you not?” He asked staring at the sky. How did he know who I was?

“How do you-” I began but he cut me off.

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