The Vamp's Girl [28]

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I might have let the anxiety get to me as Jasa and Marath ran out as I watched Lauriel stride towards me, full of spite and vengence. I felt my heart beat so fast I could feel the strain, my eyes darted around to see my surroundings. This side of castle was bare; it was mainly an open field.

“April what do you think you’re doing?” Jasa asked gripping me by the shoulders; I felt her anxiety pass into me and quickly removed her fingers. She looked over me for a moment and placed a hand to my forehead, “You’re not with fever; or illness.” and I let out a laugh making my nerves loosen.

“This is between Lauriel and me. So please; let us do what we need to do.” I calmly said before I walked away from my little audience that had gathered. Lauriel stopped a good distance away from me and we just stared at each other sizing each other up for the inevitable battle we were about to engage in. In the corner of my eyes I could see the little sparks surrounding the air around me ...I also saw the sparks of fire which surrounded Lauriel. Her eyes were narrowed down on me like I was a target to destroy and I swear it was like a scene in my head where I’m the battleship and she’s the missle. Ka-boom.

I clenched my fists as I carefully waited for Lauriel to attack first; part of my mind screaming at me asking me what was I doing? Had I gone insane? Another part of my whispered it would be okay; just don’t like kill her. Distracted by my thoughts I also didn’t hear Lauriel speaking to me.

“It is no concern to you.” She growled at me, she clenched her fist in front of her. “A princess caring? It is a bluff.” She countered, I said nothing. I couldn’t change her mind now; we could meerly just fight it out and hope that this would solve the hatred and irritation we felt towards one another. A glimpse of Xavious caught my eye distracting me from Lauriel. “Don’t ignore me April!” Lauriel screamed charging towards me with great speed; there was no time to block or move. I felt the full impact of her punch and flew several feet back and onto my butt. I reached my hand up and touched my literally burning cheek, the fire instantly vanished but the pain didn’t.

“April! Stop this madness!” I heard the distant voices but I didn’t care. I had to be focussed. Lauriel was serious and her attack said it all, I got up and dusted myself off clenching my fists I ran towards Lauriel.

“You made it my concern! Why are you playing games?” I questioned her as my fist connected with her palm, fire and lightning sizzled but neither of us backed away. I saw the blood lust creep into her eyes and as she clenched her teeth I could see her fangs extend. “Why don’t you admit it?” I pleaded with her, if she could just admit it then it would all be over. Both of us wouldn’t suffer. “Just tell hi-” I ducked just in time as her other hand swiped across if I hadn’t moved in time I was sure that my head would have been cut straight off and I moved several feet back, feeling the lightning engulf my hand angrily.

“I have nothing to admit to no one!” She growled, her hand extended and pure fire morphed into a blade. I breathed in and gathered my thoughts; lightning engulfed my fingers straight up to my elbows. I held them up like a boxer, Lauriel charged at me swinging her blade fearlessly and I ducked; swiftly and taking a step forward I threw an uppercut catching Lauriel straight in the chin. She flew back and landed on the ground with a graceful soft thud.

“You do. You’re in love, why won’t you admit it? What reason do you have to play games with love?” I pleaded with her, feeling the sadness seep into my soul. “Before he’s gone and it’s too late.” I whispered. She gripped the grass and pulled herself up, wiping off blood off her mouth. The cut was already healed.

“What if he doesn’t love me? What if he’s interested in princesses? April, are you honestly blind to it?” She held out her hands, flames morphed once more into spears and she threw them at me. I felt the hatred in her flames but refused to move as one pierced me in my stomach and the other in my left shoulder. I heard shouts of protests but I stood, I coughed out blood for a moment and wiped it off. “Why would a King chose a no name Ledett over a Princess? A royal?” She asked, sadness in her eyes. I heard the roaring sounds of the storm clouds closing in fast, Lauriel raised her hands, summoning a ball of fire.

“Because you are Lauriel Domak. The perfect Ledett, he would choose you...for you.” I whispered, I watched as her eyes began to water and widen as she flung the ball towards me. I cringed, I no longer had any energy to move myself from the giant ball hurling towards me. I pointed a finger into the sky as the thunder boomed and on cue as I pointed to the giant ball hurling towards me and a stream of lightning pierced it making it explode. I quickly put my hands up and felt the force of the explosion send me flying.

It’s over.

I felt strong hands wrap around me, stopping me from landing on the ground. I groaned feeling weak, feeling my heart’s irregular beat return as I gasped for air. I looked up and saw Keilor’s troubled face, I gave him a half assed smile before the pain engulfed my face. I was starting to lose consciousness but I glanced over to see Xavious gingerly holding Lauriel who was now also unconscious. I smiled.

“I was right.” I coughed before closing my eyes.


I woke up alone in my room; I rolled over. There was no pain and no damage, I sat up in bed and rolled my neck feeling the stiffness loosen. Anda roared and came to nuzzle my hand, I picked him up and scratched him under his chin where he liked it. A timid knock sounded on my door, poking her head through the door Lauriel stood there with a slight blush on her face.

“Lauriel?” I questioned, oh right. We were fighting just now. Right, right. She quietly closed the door behind her and walked into my room; she looked around shyly and stood awkwardly a few steps away from the door.

“Did you just wake up? Should I come back later?” She asked gesturing towards the door, I signalled her to come closer and she complied dragging the chair towards my bed and sitting there. I sat up in bed and Anda complied curling up next to me. Purring contently, that for once since our little ka-bockle over the bed, he was allowed here. “You were right.” Lauriel admitted shyly as she played with the hem of her sleeve. I smiled at her and she glanced at me before continuing. “He loves me for me. We met before his arrival at The Castle. He had arrived a few days earlier and decided to roam the streets of the Market Gatherings. I bumped into him and we talked and laughed. The next day I showed him my favourite places in the Gathering and soon before I knew it I had taken a strong liking to a man I did not know the name of. It seems perposterous...Then when our eyes met upon his arrival, he glanced at me once before his eyes were on you.”

I stroked Anda’s fur listening to her story, nodding occasionally. The look on her face was no longer empty and sad it was filled with life and the smile was genuine; it was at that moment when I realized she saw me as a friend. It seemed like a miraculous day when we finally were friends.

“It may seem strange to you, but here it is the custom. He made me want to be completely his. I only have eyes for Xavious. He, I.” She said touching the new shiny necklace she was wearing. It was a strange crest that must have been a gift from Xavious.

“It is weird...I mean how can you be sure? ...What if he changes his mind later?” I asked, I didn’t want to sound negative...She laughed shaking her head, I felt once again like I lacked knowledge. It was so different. Especially in an area I lacked experience in.

“In the Vampiric Lands, here; ask a man his heart and he will tell no lies.” She sighed with a happy glimmer in her eyes. I opened my mouth to object when she continued. “If you are unsure yourself, kiss him.”

“HUH?” I asked, now I was completely confused. She smiled at me and with a giggle she continued.

“When you kiss the right one, you will know. It is a connection formed between the two people.” She explained, I never thought I would see the day when Lauriel would sit and laugh with me. “Trust me, you will know.”

She stood and stretched her arms, she petted Anda’s head and made to leave.

“Wait, wait. What now?” I asked confused.

“What do you mean?” She asked opening my door.

“I lost the bet. Who do I have to court?” I asked curiously, I felt the blush rise in my cheeks as she stared at me; a coy smile slowly emerging.

“Mhm, I wonder. I do.” She said walking out.


Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying my story. I just wanted to thank everyone that has been keeping up with my story and those who liked, fanned and even commented. It really made my day! So thank you all so much for idk, making me feel really good! Anyways, more excitement yet to until then lovelies! xoxo midnightxthunder <3

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