The Vamp's Girl [20]

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I honestly do not know how Jasa can sit in the gardens all day long talking to the Ledetts, especially Ledett Lauriel! I groaned in frustration as she went on about her story of how she got ‘beautifully perfect curls’. Jasa threw me a warning look and I slumped down in my chair, the summer breeze gently brushing my hair out of my face. I’d rather be somewhere else...but she had insisted on asking me to join her. I couldn’t exactly say no...I mean...It wasn’t like I spent heaps of time with her. I suppose you could call it ‘sister bonding time.’

“And volia! I get perfect hair every time.” She finished with a high pitched over the top excited voice.

“And yet, it still looks crap.” I muttered, her icy blue eyes shot towards me and her perfect smile turned into a scowl.

“It’s not exactly like you could do any better.” She said flicking her hair out of her face. I raised my eyebrow at her and snorted. “You’re a princess, yet you lack mannerism and, and just look at what you’re dressed in and the way you’re sitting!” she exclaimed, I looked down at my plain tatty track pants and oversized grey t shirt that was splattered with paint.

She has a point...

OI! Don’t you side with her!

I’m not siding with anyone...I’m being rational.

Well be irrational!

“She does have a point sister...” Jasa said smally.

See even Jasa sees rationally.

Well she has too...she’s my sister. your head can’t tell you what’s true or not...I have to lie to you.

Uh...basically yah.

“I’m not that bad.” I countered but Jasa only gave me a look and I sighed.

“So what am I meant to do? Take classes on manners?” I questioned sarcastically.

“Yes. If you choose to, you’d take the Ledett classes.” Jasa explained, oh em gee. She was serious!

“I-I-I don’t think I need that. I mean I can be proper and...uh elegant if I wanted to be.” I countered back. The last thing that I wanted was to be taking classes with Ledett Lauriel or any of her snobby followers.

“You shouldn’t even try. Go on pretending that you’re still on your disgusting little human world and dress as if you don’t have a care in the world. Because frankly, Ledett classes are too challenging for someone like you.” She said taking a sip of her tea with her pinky raised.

“What are you saying? That I’m not good enough? Pft, I’d beat you any day!” I countered slamming my hands onto the table my chair sliding back.

“You’re not good enough to beat me, I’m the best of the best Lady April.” She countered battering her eyelashes at me.

“You want to bet? Huh? I can beat you.” I said crossing my hands stubbornly across my chest.

“If you wish...let us bet on it. If you can woo the Northern King upon his stay at the Castle, then I’ll admit my admiration.” She said with a sly smile. I raised my seemed easy enough.

“And...what if you win...hypothetically speaking...” I said suspiciously, I mean I could be like a lady, I could act, dress, talk the part. I mean...what’s so hard about sitting around sipping tea?

“ have to court the man of my wishing.” She said pursing her lips making me scoff. It sounded relatively simple.

“Fine.” I said stubbornly, if she wanted to play games we’d play. I’m Queen after all! I shook her well manicured hands with plans brewing in my mind.

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