Chapter 5

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“You know how you say we’re friends with benefits?” Emmy asked Ian as she rolled onto her side pulling up her sheets to cover her nude body.

“Yeah,” Ian replied as he turned his head to face her.

“We’ve never really done any of the friends part just the benefits, I mean we talk in Civics, but that’s about it,” Emmy told him.

“Well, what do you want to do as friends then?” Ian questioned raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t know, hang out more without just sex,” Emmy suggested with a shrug.

“Emmy, then we’d be in a relationship,” Ian pointed out.

“Well, would it be so bad to be in a relationship with me?” Emmy whispered.

“Don’t you like what we’re doing now?” Ian tactfully avoided her question.

Emmy frowned at his answer before she sat up, “You should probably get going now my mom and sister are going to be home soon.”

Ian sat up too, “Emmy don’t tell me you’re mad at me.”

“I’m not it’s just you can’t be here when my family gets home,” Emmy said as she turned away from him grabbing her bra and underwear from the floor.

“Don’t be mad at me ok, Emmy,” Ian told her as he kissed her cheek before climbing out her bed and getting redressed.

Emmy stood also and pulled over her head the dress she’d worn to school that day. Ian turned to face Emmy as he put on his shoes.

“I’ll walk you out,” Emmy said once he’d finished dressing.

Ian shrugged and followed behind Emmy as she led the way downstairs. She walked over to the front door and opened it, before turning back to face Ian.

Ian pressed a kiss to Emmy’s lips, “Don’t be mad, ok Emmy.”

“I’m not,” Emmy told him watching as he walked to his car and got in.

“I’m just disappointed,” Emmy muttered as she shut the door after watching Ian drive off.

Emmy walked into the kitchen in desperate need of her comfort food. She knew from the beginning that what was between her and Ian was just sex. Yet, like most girls who decided to just be friends with benefits with someone, she thought one day they might be able to be more. She opened the freezer in her kitchen and pulled out a tub of cookie dough ice cream. She grabbed one of the biggest spoons in her kitchen before heading into the living room. Emmy turned on the TV and her favorite romantic comedy was playing. She settled in watching the sappy movie and eating the fattening ice cream.

Emmy heard the front door open and the sound of her sister running up the stairs. Her mother was slower and it took a few minutes for her to put her stuff down before she came into the living room. Her mother took in the movie Emmy was watching and the food she was eating and knew something was wrong. Her mother sat down beside her putting her arm around Emmy, the two sat in silence for about ten minutes.

“What’s wrong Emmy?” Her mother asked gently.

“Mommy, what do you do when you really like a guy, but he doesn’t like you as much as you like him?” Emmy questioned as she put down her ice cream before curling up to her mother like a little kid.

Her mother was silent for a few minutes, “The best thing I can tell you to do Emmy, is to move on.”

“What if I don’t want to?” Emmy whispered.

“Then you need to brace yourself for a whole lot of heartbreak,” her mother told her gently as she stood up.

“Now, what do you want for dinner?” Her mother asked.

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