Chapter 21

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Summer had stepped away from the doorway, allowing Emmy and Kara to come inside. Summer led the way past the living room, where her brother was watching cartoons. The group headed up the stairs and into Summer's room.

"Ok, so talk," Summer said after she'd shut her door and took a seat at her desk.

Emmy sighed from her position beside Kara on her bed, "I didn't mean to not tell y'all about what was going on between me and Ian."

"So then why didn't you tell us?" Summer asked with an eyebrow arched.

Emmy shrugged, "When it first started we were sophomores in high school, and I thought he would ask me to be his girlfriend and then I'd tell y'all, but he never did."

"So why didn't you say anything after that?"

Emmy shrugged, "I didn't want y'all to treat me any differently. Then I saw how y'all treated April, and I didn't want to be treated like her."

"But we're your friends, we wouldn't have treated you like that," Summer said frowning slightly.

"You say that, but look at how y'all treated me when you did find out," Emmy replied as she tugged on the edge of her gym shorts.

"It would've been different if you had of told us yourself, instead of us finding out from some random person," Summer told her.

Emmy shrugged, "True but there's nothing we can do about it now."

Summer nodded her head in agreement, "So how did y'all become friends with benefits?"

"It was sophomore year, and I was a really impressionable kid. He asked me over to his house, one thing led to another and then my virginity was gone," Emmy said as she stared up at the ceiling of Summer's room.

"How come y'all never started dating?" Summer questioned her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Emmy sighed as she thought about the best way to say it, "I've liked Ian since we started sleeping together. But everything I would bring up us dating he would avoid it, or say he liked having no strings attached."

"That's so rude," Summer said frowning at her.

"Yeah I know," Emmy mumbled.

Kara spoke up for the first time since they'd come to the room, "So if you knew he'd never date you why'd you keep sleeping with him?"

Emmy sighed as she lied down on Summer's bed, "I guess some part of me hoped that Ian would change his mind eventually, and ask me to be his girlfriend, but he never did."

"Have y'all talked since everything happened?" Summer asked her as she tapped her fingers on the wood of her desk.

Emmy shook her head, "No he sent me an apology text, but that's it."

"Well, maybe that's a good thing, so now you can start to get over him," Kara pointed out as she pulled out her phone.

"Maybe," Emmy replied.

Kara began to dial a number before putting it on speaker, "Hello?" Mia's voice rang out.

"Hey Mia," the girls chorused in unison.

"Where are y'all?" Mia asked.

"At Summer's," Emmy answered her.

"Cool guys, thanks for inviting me," Mia said sarcastically.

"That's why I'm calling you, you should come over," Kara told her as she examined her nails.

"Ok, be there in like five minutes," Mia said before hanging up the phone.

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