Chapter 12

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Dedicated to DreamingAlways for her very interesting comment on the last chapter. :)

November had come to the small town of Redwood, and with it the makings of a cold winter. It was about a week into November and Emmy, sat with her friends in their school's cafeteria. As it was the beginning of winter, the group had migrated from their outdoor eating spot and into the warm interior of the cafeteria.

"You know what I think," Summer began as she pushed up the sleeves of her navy blue shirt, and began to eat her homemade spaghetti.

"What?" Emmy asked wearily.

Ever since Summer and Dustin's hideous breakup in October at homecoming, Summer had become very enthusiastic about trying new things.

"I think we should try out for indoor track, tryouts are this afternoon," Summer told them.

Mia quickly responded with, "No."

"Running isn't my thing," Kara said as she ate her carrots.

"So, there's not just track stuff, there's field stuff too. Like pole vaulting, the high jump, and the javelin throw," Summer pointed out.

Kara shrugged, "Doesn't change the fact that I'm not athletic."

Summer frowned before turning to Emmy, "You'll tryout with me Emmy, won't you?"

"Uhh, I would but I don't have gym clothes," Emmy told her with a shrug not really upset, she didn't feel like trying out for track.

"Oh, that's ok I brought an extra set. So will you tryout with me?" Summer pleaded.

Emmy sighed and reluctantly said, "Yeah sure."

Summer squealed, "Great this is going to be awesome!"

Kara leaned over and whispered into Emmy's ear, "Good luck with that."

The bell rang, leaving Emmy unable to respond to Kara. The girls all said their goodbyes and headed off in the direction of their fourth periods. Emmy slid into her Civics class and headed to her seat. As soon as she sat down Ian sauntered through the door. He grinned at Emmy as he sat down beside her.

"Hey Emmy," he said.

"Hey Ian," she replied focusing on the teacher.

"Are you coming over tonight?" He whispered as he fiddled with the sleeves of his rolled up flannel shirt.

"Can't, Summer's making me try out for track, and I have a lot of homework to do," Emmy told him.

Ian turned to her questioningly, "You're trying out for track?"

"Yeah, why'd you say it like that? Do you think I can't do it?" Emmy asked as she began to copy down the notes the teacher was writing down on the board.

"No it's not that. It's just going to be weird seeing you there every day after school, because I run track too," Ian replied.

Emmy tensed as she understood his subtle hint, "It's fine Ian, I'll still remain your dirty little secret."

Ian looked at her in shock before a quick frown graced his face, "I definitely did not mean it like that Emmy. I just meant I never really see you outside of Civics and that this would be different, that's all."

Emmy nodded, "Yeah, I understand Ian."

"Are you sure? You're not mad or anything right?" Ian asked her.

"No, I'm not I promise. Now shh, Mrs. Havelock just mentioned we might have a pop quiz on this," Emmy told him.

"As long as we're cool," Ian said.

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