Chapter 19

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It was the last week of January, and Emmy had never felt as alone as she did that month. Honor had refused to talk to her every night, and left early every morning. Her friends had ignored every text she'd sent them. Her mother would only give her pitying looks. Emmy sighed wishing things could go back to normal.

Emmy made her way to her English class, hoping Summer would've forgiven her. She knew Summer probably hadn't, as she had a very stubborn attitude. Emmy took a deep breath before stepping into the classroom and sitting down at her desk.

"Hey Summer," Emmy said, figuring she could be the better person.

Summer glanced at Emmy before turning back to their teacher.

"Come on Summer, talk to me. I'm your best friend," Emmy pleaded with her.

"I've already told you this, but I'll tell you once again and then I want you to leave me alone. I'm not friends with liars," Summer spat out as she glared at her.

"Summer come on, I told you I was sorry for lying," Emmy whispered as she glanced up at the teacher who had their back turned to them.

"How long were you and Ian sleeping together?" Summer asked as she turned to stare at Emmy.

"Two years," Emmy mumbled.

"You know what?" Summer began to speak, as she tapped her pen nervously.

"What?" Emmy asked although it was a rhetorical question.

"It's not even the fact that you lied to me. It's that you didn't trust your best friend enough to tell her the biggest secret of your life. And that you lied to me for two years," Summer said rolling her eyes at Emmy.

Emmy sighed as Summer's words hit home, "I get where you're coming from Summer, I really do. I just couldn't tell you, because I didn't want to lose you as my best friend."

"See you keep saying we're best friends, but if you were truly my best friend you wouldn't have kept this a secret for two years. I can understand a few months maybe even a year, but two whole years. That right there says you don't trust me," Summer pointed out as she turned her attention back to the teacher.

"Summer, I'm sorry. Can't we just move past this, please?" Emmy asked as she began to take down notes.

"No, because I've told you every thing about my life, even if it was something little or stupid. But you didn't trust me with your biggest secret," Summer said as she shut her notebook.

Emmy was just about to reply, when the bell rang ending class. Summer quickly gathered her things and rushed out, before Emmy could catch up to her. She sighed and made her way to her second period class. Emmy changed clothes quickly and headed into the gym.

She sat down on a bleacher a few seats away from the rest of the class. Emmy looked up in surprise when someone sat down next to her. Mia gave Emmy a soft smile, which Emmy eagerly returned.

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" Emmy asked hopefully.

Mia shrugged her long black hair falling down her back, "I was never mad at you."

"Good, because I don't think I can take another week of silence," Emmy let out a breath of relief as she relaxed on the bleachers.

Mia nodded as she played with the hem of her shorts, "I don't think it's right to judge you for your private actions."

"So, you don't agree with Summer and Kara?" Emmy asked her voice taking on a hopeful quality.

Mia shrugged again, "Well, I'm not saying that but, what I am saying is I understand both sides of this argument. And I think you've suffered enough."

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