Chapter 10

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It was the Saturday before homecoming and Emmy and her friends were at the mall shopping for dresses. Emmy’s phone buzzed with a text and she glanced down at it the text was from Ian: Coming over later? House empty from 4-7. Emmy typed out a quick reply before slipping the phone back into her dark colored jeans pocket: Yeah be there around 4:30.

“Ooh is that a secret admirer. Maybe a homecoming date offer?” Summer asked peering over Emmy’s shoulder just as she put her phone away.

“It was Honor,” Emmy lied shrugging as she walked over to the wall of dresses.

“Ok,” Summer replied looking at her questioningly before shaking it off and joining Emmy in front of the dresses.

“So are we going short or long this year?” Kara asked from her position near a rack of necklaces.

“Short. Definitely short,” Summer replied.

“Yeah long’s more of a prom dress,” Mia agreed as she migrated to the shorter dresses that were closer to the dressing rooms.

The other girls followed her over and all stood analyzing the dress hanging on the wall for a good fifteen minutes. Emmy couldn’t find anything that she’d want to wear, and from the looks on her friend’s faces neither could they.

“Next store?” Emmy asked them.

“Yep,” the other girls replied in unison and they all walked out the store.

“Right or left?” Kara answered once they stepped outside the store.

“Um, right,” Mia answered and led the way past an accessories store and a shoe store, before reaching another clothing store.

Emmy’s back pocket vibrated again signaling a new text. She pulled out her phone as they walked into the store. The message wasn’t from Ian as she expected it to be instead it was from one of Ian’s teammates, Brayden. Emmy had met Brayden in her freshmen year English class and they had been friends ever since.

Emmy was confused as to why he was texting her as they were more school friends than out of school friends but she opened his text nonetheless: Hey Emmy do you have a date to homecoming? Emmy sent him back a reply: No why? Brayden’s reply was almost instant: Would you like to go with me? Emmy sent him another text: As friends? She received his next text immediately: Yeah, so you in? Emmy thought for a few seconds before replying: Give me until tonight to think about it? Brayden replied: Yeah sure.

“Who are you texting?” Kara asked her.

“Brayden,” Emmy replied.

“Hot Brayden, the soccer player?” Kara questioned her.

“Yeah, he wants to know if I’ll be his date to homecoming,” Emmy told her as they caught up to Summer and Mia who seemed to be in a debate about the dresses.

“I hope you said yes, that boy is very, handsome,” Kara told her.

“I asked him to let me think about it. And don’t you have a boyfriend?” Emmy replied arching an eyebrow.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t mean I can’t look,” Kara replied giggling.

Emmy rolled her eyes at her friend, “You are…”

“Awesome, I know,” Kara grinned.

“Wasn’t what I was going to say, but whatever,” Emmy said walking closer to Summer and Mia with Kara following her.

“Isn’t this cute?” Mia asked almost ripping the dress out of Summer’s hands to show it to Emmy and Kara.

Emmy looked at the strapless dress which featured a sweetheart neckline. That wasn’t what was wrong with the dress, what was wrong with it were the colors. The top half of the dress was red, the midsection was yellow, and the bottom edge was red. Emmy not wanting to hurt her friend’s feelings said nothing, but Kara didn’t have that problem.

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