Chapter 14

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Dedicated to beauty__ful for making me, my new cover. Thanks :)

“Emmy,” Summer said waving a hand in front of her friend’s face.

Emmy blinked bringing Summer’s face into focus, “What?”

“I’ve been calling you for the past ten minutes, I was telling you that Kara and Mia want to have a sleepover tonight,” Summer replied staring at her friend curiously.

Emmy nodded her head, “Ok, that’s fine who’s house and what time?”

“Mine, and now, track practice is over, and Kara and Mia aren’t doing anything,” Summer told her as she led the way back to the parking lot.

“Oh, well I’ve got something to do, but I’ll be over in an hour and a half at the latest,” Emmy said as she unlocked the doors to her car.

“Emmy are you ok? You’re acting a little shady,” Summer said as she stopped in front of Emmy’s car arching an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Emmy said giving Summer a reassuring smile.

“Ok,” Summer said staring at Emmy unsurely.

“Summer I’m fine, I promise,” Emmy told her as she opened her car door tossing her things inside.

“If you say so, I’ll see you later,” Summer told her as she headed off to her own car.

“Bye, Summer,” Emmy called out before she settled into her car.

Emmy pulled her phone out of her gym bag and sent Ian a quick text: You still want me to come over? Ian’s response was instantaneous: Hell yeah. Emmy typed out a quick reply: Ok, be there in ten.

She placed her phone into her cup holder before she left the school parking lot. Emmy drove off in the direction of Ian’s home, blasting her music loudly during the drive. A few minutes later she pulled into Ian’s driveway next to his car. She parked and climbed out of her car heading up his driveway. Emmy rang the doorbell as she bounced anxiously on her toes. The door swung open a few seconds later revealing Ian, with a towel on his shoulders and only a pair of gym shorts on.

A grin came to his face as he saw her standing there, “Hi Emmy.”

“Hey Ian,” Emmy said as she walked past him and into his house.

Ian shut the door behind her and followed behind Emmy as she led the way to his bedroom. As they stepped into his room Ian pushed the door shut. Emmy took a seat on his bed and reached behind her to pull her hair out of its ponytail. Once her hair was out of its ponytail, Ian came over and pushed her down onto the bed. He slid on top of Emmy and smiled down at her.

“Hey,” Ian whispered to her.

“Hey,” Emmy murmured back as she trailed her fingers up and down his arm.

Ian’s head slowly descended down towards Emmy. He pressed his lips against hers, gently kissing her. Emmy’s arms slid up around Ian’s neck, as she kissed him back.

As their kiss deepened Emmy began to think about their situation. She knew that further down the road they were on she would be hurt. Although, knowing she would be hurt didn’t stop her from continuing what they were doing. Emmy didn’t feel as if she would be able to change Ian’s mind about behind in a relationship with her, because she knew he wouldn’t. She just thought that, if he didn’t want to be in a real relationship with her than this was the next best thing.

“Emmy,” Ian murmured his lips a few centimeters from hers.

“Mhmm,” Emmy answered blinking her eyes open.

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