4 - But Now That I'm Broken, And Now That You Know It

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Never thought I'd post 4 updates in the past 13 hours but oh well. I was supposed to space them out but I got excited.

I love the interview I put in the media section. Luke's laugh is so adorable I'm crying!

So Luke's laugh that I poorly attempted to describe at the end of the chapter is in this interview, specifically at 4:36. I can't stop listening to his laugh and it's giving me life!

This chapter is a little bit shorter than the others so sorry in advance for that.

Please let me know if you notice any spelling and/or grammatical errors because they bother me.

If you enjoy, don't forget to comment and vote because it makes my day. :) - Vanessa

Lying on his bed, Ashton had his earphones plugged in and listened to music as he read. His fingers brushed across the braille pages as he absorbed the words. He loved reading because although he couldn't see anymore, reading made him forget that and he delved into a world of imagination that made him feel like more.

His music wasn't turned up loud enough to drown out any sound but he was so engrossed in the book that he didn't notice when the door to his dorm opened.

"So, you're my roommate then?" A loud voice suddenly said. Ashton jumped in fright, letting out a squeal of surprise as he pulled his earphones out.

Ashton gulped, not expecting his roommate to show so suddenly after being gone for so long. He was starting to enjoy having the room to himself.

"Y-yeah," Ashton stuttered out, looking towards the direction of his voice.

"You're blind then?" Ashton's eyes widened in surprise before he slowly nodded, not sure how he felt about the guy.

"Dude, your eyes look crazy," the guy said. Ashton flinched backwards due to how close he sounded and when he smelt the alcohol on his breath he inched back even more. He forgot to put his glasses back on so he felt self-conscious and wanted the guy to back up because he was too close and it made him uncomfortable.

"Do you- do you know where my sunglasses are?" Ashton stuttered. He would search for them himself but the guy was still incredibly close and he didn't want to bump heads which would no doubt happen.

"It's weird cause you kind of seem dead but then you're alive, you know? So crazy! Yeah, you should definitely wear your glasses because, no offense, but your eyes kind of creep me out, you know?"

Ashton swallowed, the guy's words hurting more than he wanted to let on. He nodded slowly, lowering his head so he wouldn't be able to see his eyes.

Suddenly, a loud crunch was heard and Ashton's head shot up at the sound, wondering what had broken.

"Fuck! I'm sorry man your glasses were on the floor and I kind of stepped on them. Oops?" He said chuckling. Ashton's heart dropped, dread filling him.

"Name's Brad, by the way. You?" He continued, as though he hadn't done anything wrong even if it was a mistake.

"Ashton," he mumbled back.

"Cool cool," he said. Ashton heard him opening his cupboard from further away and knew he was probably getting changed since he hadn't been here since yesterday. Ashton climbed off the bed slowly and knelt on the floor, feeling for his glasses. He winced when his hand found the broken glass from the lens and cut his finger.

"Ouch," he mumbled to himself, bringing his finger to his mouth and trying to suck away the blood. He stood up, walking towards the dustbin that was beside the desk.

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