10 - I Thought About Our Last Kiss, How It Felt, The Way You Tasted

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This story is dedicated to @xbrigadex for commenting on my previous chapter and for being happy for an update! Hope you're enjoying the story! :)

Sorry it's been a while. I was having a bit of a writers block and just felt uninspired I guess.

I tried to make this chapter a little bit longer because I'm finishing school FOREVER in over a month and therefore have finals. I start finals on the 26 of October and they end on the 26 of November. I don't know when updates will come but I'm pretty sure I will update, even if it does take a little more time. Every time I procrastinate I'll be sure to write!

I hate this chapter to be honest and I don't know why. I just think it's absolute crap. Hopefully you guys will stick around despite the awful chapter because it means a lot to me when people read my story.

So, if you're feeling generous please comment and/or vote. I honestly can't express how much it means to me!

If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors, don't forget to let me know so I can fix them!

Sorry for the long authors note. Hope you enjoy the crappy chapter though. :) - Vanessa

Ashton felt exhausted. He didn't know why considering he'd been sleeping a lot but he did and he hated it. He would be leaving the hospital tomorrow night despite insisting that he was fine and could leave now. They said they just wanted to make sure he was okay and Luke agreed. In the end Ashton had no choice but he hated hospitals. He hated everything about them.

A hospital was where he realised he would never see again. A hospital was the place where he finally removed the bandage to complete darkness. He was trapped in his mind, consumed with his darkest fears and demons. The only thing he could see on repeat was the raging fire and the way Rick's face contorted into a smirk as he pushed him into the room. He could still hear his parents sobbing, thinking he couldn't hear but he could and he hated that.

Ashton knew Luke was curious as to what happened. Luke now had a vague idea that Ashton was in an incident involving fire which was what had caused him to be blind but otherwise he knew nothing. He didn't know about Brandon or Rick. He didn't know that Rick claimed to be his friend but dared him to go into the room, ended up shoving him in there when he didn't want to, causing his entire world to collapse around him.

What made everything worse for Ashton, however, was what happened afterwards. Ashton was never one for hate but he hated Rick with every fibre of his being after the incident. He didn't know that he, a ten-year-old boy who'd spent his life radiating positivity, could become so bitter. He hardly recognised himself and the way he imagined Rick in that fire everyday in his place since.

Ashton didn't think it could get worse until he told his parents what happened. Of course his parents believed him, about Rick, about everything. They fully intended to take full action against just Rick because of course, Brandon had tried to help him but in the end Brandon was no better than Rick. In the end he realised you can't trust anyone. Everyone turns on you in the end because no one really cares.

He can still hear the way Brandon's voice trembled slightly as he told everyone that Ashton was lying. Rick never forced Ashton into the room. Ashton went on his own to prove a point. According to Brandon, Rick and him pleaded with Ashton not to, that it was too dangerous but he insisted, at first trying to force the two older guys to go but they refused. He's the one who sought out the fire and it was all his fault according to both Rick and Brandon.

His parents knew Brandon was lying and did everything they could to prove it but in the end, what could they do? No one believed Ashton, they all thought he sought sympathy. Everyone looked down on him and going to school was hell on Earth. Rick and Brandon left, never speaking to Ashton again and dropping off the face of the planet.

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