16 - I Feel Like We're as Close to Strangers

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**Dr. Matthews in the media section**

Dedication: To everyone who's read/voted/commented at any point. It all means a lot to me so thanks for taking the time out of your lives to read!

Sorry for the lack of updates but I think I make up for it with 3 new chapters all at once? Anyways, I wont be uploading next week because I'm in Cape Town so hopefully this will do until I come back.

I think this story will probably be ending soon. I'm not exactly sure when but maybe in 3 more chapters? Idk...

Anyways, like always, don't forget to point out any errors.

Vote and/or comment if you enjoy! Hope you do. :) - Vanessa


"I'm putting in the anesthetic now," he informed and Ashton took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. He felt something being placed over his mouth and nose as he breathed and soon enough his head started to feel slightly fuzzy.

He could hear Dr. Matthews saying something but he wasn't sure what. All he could think about as he drifted under was Luke and how he'd give anything to see what he looked like. He couldn't help but think how the person he'd spent his whole life dreaming of seeing was gone before he'd ever gotten the chance.

Ashton groaned awake, feeling a slight uncomfortable pressure on his eyes. He reached out to rub them but was met with a bandage that wrapped around his eyes. He felt groggy and confused, the bed he was lying on was uncomfortable and the sheets were scratchy.

Before he could panic too much, however, he remembered that he'd just gone through the surgery. His heart was hammering in his chest in anticipation. He didn't know whether the surgery had worked or not and the excitement yet fear was overwhelming. Just the thought of being able to see again made him feel like he'd start hyperventilating soon.

He didn't know whether anyone was in the room or not so he decided to just stay put and wait. It would probably be embarrassing if he started calling out when there was no one around.

He knew that if Luke and him were still together that Luke would be here. He would probably be seated right next to him the entire time, maybe even holding his hand so that when he woke up he wouldn't panic. He felt his heart constrict at the thought of Luke. Reaching out for Luke's emotions and all he was met with was an empty feeling. It was easy to forget that they weren't connected emotionally anymore. 

"Ashton, are you awake?" He heard Dr. Matthews voice and he startled a bit in surprise, being too lost in thoughts to hear him come in.

"Uh, yeah Dr. Matthews," Ashton whispered, clearing his throat that was thick with sleep.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Uh, my eyes feel a little funny. They don't hurt or anything they just feel sort of uncomfortable," he said, fidgeting with the sheets on the bed.

"Not to worry, that's to be expected after the surgery, just as long as you aren't experiencing any pain. The surgery went perfectly well, you'll be pleased to know, and tomorrow morning we'll be taking your bandage off," Dr. Matthews informed.

Ashton bit his lip, nodding timidly and swallowing the lump in his throat. He was so overwhelmed with so many emotions he almost felt like he could cry. He couldn't believe that this was really happening, that he was really going to see again but at the same time he wanted to cry because Luke wasn't here with him. He also missed Michael and Calum so much. He needed his soulmate and his friends right now.

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