1 - I Need Your Love to Light Up This House

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So I have up to chapter 4 pre-written which is the fastest I've ever written because it usually takes me forever but I still need to edit it. Hopefully it'll be up soon.

I'm not in university so I'm not 100% sure how these things work and it's probably inaccurate but I can't really be bothered at this point so I'm sorry in advance for any mistakes.

I don't know anyone who's blind but I tried to do some research and be somewhat accurate but again, I don't really know and some of the stuff is most probably wrong. I also obviously don't know what it's like to be blind but I'm writing from how I assume it would be like.

The video above is just what the guys look like and what some of the suff Ashton uses looks like. An explanation of what they are is in this chapter.

If I'm being honest I really don't like how this chapter is written and I'm sorry it's not very good. I just got so excited to write that I wasn't really focusing at all on actually writing it well but hopefully it's not too bad.

Please let me know if there are any grammatical or spelling errors because I was too lazy to edit this properly but I hate having errors.

Don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed. :) - Vanessa

What was perhaps everyone's favourite trait of Ashton's was also quite possibly his greatest flaw. It's a delicate balance between the two really, a two sided candle that burns on both ends; they can both meet in the middle or one side can burn greater than the other creating an imbalance. It takes careful handling, a slight tip of one side and the flame licks away at the wax in uneven amounts.

Ashton always viewed the world with what most would call an innocence that bordered on naïve. It gave him an air of serenity and lightness, as though he were floating through life undeterred without the weight of the world, without the worry of tomorrow.

He never considered the possibility that anything in his life could go wrong. Up until the age of 10, his life was almost too perfect. Possibly his parents could be to blame, having shielded him at his young age to the point that he was almost ignorant to the sufferings of others. He was never grateful for all the good things in his life as he never considered that there were people out there who had it more difficult than he did.

He was the brightest child, with his soft caramel hair that fell in soft waves over his forehead and dimples that lit up his face with every smile or giggle. His parents couldn't imagine a more perfect child, one who never threw tantrums and laughed and smiled radiating joy in a world that could do with a little more delight.

Growing up and learning about their soulmates at school was perhaps one of Ashton's most favourite things to learn about. He relished in the tales told by his parents and family members, dreaming of the day he'd finally meet his. The ability to sense any powerful emotion your soulmate is feeling at the time is both a gift and a curse. Strong moments of pure happiness can be felt through the bond but also the most painful emotions.

What makes a soulmate bond is not only their emotional connection and their physical connection which comes after they meet, but their very souls connect. This occurs the moment two soulmates look into each others eyes; the window to their souls meet. This is what makes it impossible for soulmates to fall in love with anyone else after meeting their partners. It doesn't mean they'll undoubtedly be together forever because people will always make mistakes in the end and not all relationships are perfect, it just means that they have the ability to find the person they could spend the rest of their lives with in complete happiness.

There was no doubt for Ashton that after the accident when he was ten, his soulmate must have hurt greatly. Ashton began to suffer from anger and depression, both appearing in sudden bursts that had Ashton consumed with bitterness. Although he was young, everything good Ashton had thought of the world was ripped away. His belief in the good in people and the world was changed dramatically. Ashton knows his soulmate felt it; all the resentment and loss. He knows this because when it all felt like too much, when the world felt like a room in which he was trapped with the walls closing up on him and he couldn't breathe, he felt love.

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