7 - But You're Not Ready and It's So Frustrating

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Sorry the new part took so long, I just felt really unmotivated to write which is sad because I love this story and where it's going even if the writing isn't the best I could do.

Please let me know if there are any grammatical or spelling errors.

Don't forget to comment or vote if you enjoyed. - Vanessa

The first week of university went by relatively fast. Ashton had been spending a lot of time with Michael, Calum and Luke, but if he was being honest he'd been spending more time with Luke than anyone else. They hadn't kissed since the time after the showers in his bedroom and he was grateful because they were only friends and being with Luke all the time confused him sometimes.

He had to remind himself constantly why being with Luke would be a bad idea in the long run for both of them. He was finally reminded of why it was a bad idea, however, when he went for his Tuesday lecture.

Ashton put down his book when there was a knock on the door. He sighed because the book had finally been getting to the good part but he knew he could just finish it later.

He really needed to buy new books because it was getting a bit tedious reading the same books over and over but braille books were hard to come by. Maybe he'd order some online when he got back to his dorm later.

Brad grumbled from where he lay in bed and if Ashton was being honest he'd barely said anything to Brad since the party. He knew it wasn't really Brad's fault because he didn't force Ashton to go. Ashton agreed to go on his own and he regretted it but he wasn't blaming Brad, he just felt like he was a bad influence and constantly put Ashton down even if he didn't mean to. He just thought it was better if maybe they didn't hang out or even talk for that matter unless completely necessary.

Ashton swung the door open expecting Michael but was a little surprised to hear Calum's voice that greeted him.

"Mikey had to speak to a professor early this morning so he couldn't take you to your lecture. Hope you don't mind if I do it?" Calum asked.

"Course not," Ashton chirped because he liked Calum even if he wasn't as close to him as Michael or Luke. "Let me just get my things."

After gathering his stuff, Calum and Ashton headed out with their arms linked even if he did spend a solid five minutes complaining because he wanted to use his cane. Calum said he was just being difficult so he huffed and maybe grabbed Calum's arm a little angrily but that made Calum laugh and say that Ashton angry was like a puppy trying to be angry.

Ashton was a little nervous when someone sat next to him at the start of the lesson. He fidgeted nervously because he didn't know if they were going to be mean or were judging him and they didn't say anything so it made him even more uncomfortable.

"Hello," a deep voice drawled and Ashton almost sighed in relief because they finally spoke and didn't sound hostile at all.

"Hey," Ashton mumbled, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and casting his eyes on the table in front of him because he still hadn't found time to buy new glasses and he didn't want to creep whoever this guy was out.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asked sweetly and Ashton noticed an English accent that he hadn't picked up on earlier.

"No, I don't mind," Ashton said honestly because even if he didn't always feel comfortable with new people he still felt happy when they went out of their way to be nice. He just hoped he wasn't playing a prank on him because it wouldn't be the first time.

"I'm Harry by the way," he said. His voice was slow and almost soothing and Ashton felt his lips tug into a smile because he seemed nice.

"I'm Ashton," he said softly.

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