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Dedication: You. Yes you reading this. I love you!

Last chapter guys! A good portion of the chapter is smut because what better way to end off a story. Am I right or am I right? ;)

Let me know of any errors that you notice.

Last chance to comment and/or vote if you enjoyed the chapter. Every single comment, vote and read during the entirety of this story I am so damn grateful for I can't even tell you. Thank you so much! - Vanessa

"What's it like?" Ashton asked, staring up at his parents with wide-eyes. He watched as the two shared a look, smiling fondly at each other before turning to look down at their eight-year-old son.

"We've told you this already, sweetie," his mom laughed, his dad chuckling beside her as she leaned into his touch.

"Go on, Anne Marie," his dad laughed, his mom smiling fondly.

"There's nothing quite like that moment you look into their eyes, Ash. That's the moment you know they're yours and you're theirs," she said, shooting another glance at her husband and grinning when she caught him staring.

"They're your entire world. They're everything good and right about your life because even when things are difficult they're everything you've ever wanted. Everything you've ever needed," his dad said, ruffling his son's curly hair.

"When you meet your soulmate, Ash, and you reach that point in your relationship where everything seems to be falling into place, it seems like it's impossible to be any happier."

As Ashton listened to his parents talk, he could feel his heart fill with excitement. Because even at the age of eight, without any real knowledge about love and relationships, it seemed the soulmate bond was every bit as wondrous as his parents described.

He couldn't wait for the day he'd meet his soulmate.

Ashton scrunched his face up, groaning before opening his eyes.

It still surprised him. He couldn't seem to shake the sense of amazement that came with opening his eyes to anything but darkness, but it was more than that. It was opening his eyes and seeing Luke.

Ashton smiled shyly where he lay on Luke's chest, the steady thump of Luke's heartbeat beneath his head, Luke's warm and smooth skin bare beneath Ashton's hand rested in front of his face.

Their legs were tangled together, half his body on top of Luke's, Luke's hand limp around his waist, barely clutching onto Ashton's shirt. Ashton tilted his head up and smiled when he saw Luke, saw the way his plump lips were parted, his breathing barely audible with each puff of air.

His hair was stuck up in all directions against his forehead, his eyelashes fluttering against his pale cheeks, the steady rise and fall of his chest. It was everything to Ashton and he would never tire of it, never get enough.

Ashton's breath caught at the sight every time, at the touch of Luke. It was almost like he fell in love with him a little more everyday no matter how impossible it seemed. Surely he couldn't love him anymore than he already did?

Ashton giggled softly when Luke scrunched up his slightly pointy nose in his sleep. Luke grumbled, bringing his other arm around to hold Ashton to him.

Ashton shifted himself higher, crawling gently so that his face was right by Luke's. He leaned up and gently pressed his lips to Luke's, smiling into the kiss before pulling away.

Luke grumbled incoherently and Ashton giggled softly again before lifting his hand to trace the soft stubble on Luke's jaw and the lip ring he loved so much.

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