11 - Maybe This Time Two Wrongs Make It Right

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So this chapter is dedicated to @Applezzz21 for literally voting when I had just posted the Prologue and you're still reading so thank you!

The song Luke and Ashton sing is in the media if you don't know it and want to know what it sounds like.

So I kind of liked this chapter when I started it but then it just got kind of weird? Idk... Sorry it's short I just felt like it was right to end the chapter where I did but I hope you enjoy it anyways considering I'm supposed to be studying lol.

If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors please let me know so that I can fix them!

Also, if you enjoy please comment and/or vote so that I know! This story is on 500+ reads and 85 votes so maybe while that's not a lot to others I'm really happy about it so thank you to everyone who's read, voted and commented so far! It really means a lot! :) - Vanessa

"Aw, is Ashy crying?" One of the boys taunted in the gym locker room.

"P-please just give it back," Ashton cried, rubbing the back of his hands against his eyes to rid away the tears.

"Why don't you look for it... oh wait you can't look for your cane, can you?" Another one said. Ashton felt suffocated, their laughter closing in around him and he blocked his ears but they only got louder.

Ashton looked up, confused when the laughter suddenly disappeared, an eerie silence taking its place. He looked up to see the deserted school corridor. He could hear the fire alarm's insistent blaring and he shuddered.

"Hello?" He called out, voice shaky with fear. He stood face to face with the familiar storeroom door, closed with smoke wafting through the bottom. He jumped when someone started knocking from the inside.

"Help!" The voice screamed. "Somebody help me, please!" The voice was hoarse and choked but Ashton would recognise it anywhere.

"Luke!" Ashton screamed back, rushing closer to the door and trying with all his might to open it.

"Ashton?" Luke cried out and Ashton felt his heart break with fear.

"It's me, Luke! I'll get you out, I promise!" Ashton screamed, tears streaming down his face because he was so scared for Luke. It was meant to be him on the other side of the door. He'd do anything for it to be him instead.

"Why did you lock me in here, Ashton?" Luke's voice boomed, the pounding on the door getting so loud it seemed it would break down from the force alone. Ashton took a step back in fright, Luke's voice so frightening.

"I- I didn't, Luke! I would never!"

"It's supposed to be you in here, not me!" The door flew open, banging against the wall as Luke stood completely burned and singed. Ashton screamed and covered his eyes, not wanting to see Luke so distorted.

"You did this. It was meant to be you," Luke's voice whispered in his ear.

"No no no," Ashton muttered, eyes still closed as he shook his head furiously. When it was quiet again, Ashton opened his eyes to see his school peers all standing around him, looking at him expressionless.

"Where's Luke?" Ashton asked, nervous with all their stares on him.

"Dead. You killed him," they all said together, Ashton shaking his head in denial.


"You killed him!" They all screamed collectively as smoke began to fill the corridor. He couldn't breathe. Luke was dead and it was all his fault. He did it, he killed him.

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