17 - How We Gonna Fix This? How We Gonna Undo All the Pain?

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**Ashton's appearance and outfit for the music event**

Dedication: To everyone who's read/voted/commented at any point. It all means a lot to me so thanks for taking the time out of your lives to read!

Don't forget to point out any errors.

Vote and/or comment if you enjoy! Hope you do. :) - Vanessa


Ashton bit his lip harshly as he looked out the window. The parking lot was extremely busy and he was surprised Louis had found a parking spot so quickly.

He felt like he would cry at any moment just knowing that him and Luke had first met in this very parking lot.

Luke was here right now. Despite everything, a masochistic part of him hoped he'd see him, just once. 

"Louis, I can't do this," Ashton panicked after explaining to Louis why this was a very bad idea. He nervously adjusted the strap of his duffle bag on his shoulder as he got out of the car, closing the door behind him gently.

"Calm down, Ash," he said, not offering any other reassurances. Ashton shot him a glare as he noticed his unfazed expression. He adjusted his snapback as he scanned the people around nervously, expecting to see him at any moment.

Louis walked beside him as they made their way to the field where they would be camping. He'd never been camping but when they reached the field, it didn't seem like a very good idea.

At the far end of the field was a relatively large stage. In front of the stage seemed to be hundreds of people setting up their tents. A part of him felt both disappointed and relieved that he probably wouldn't come across Luke with the crowd this large.

He couldn't help but feel like he'd never been here before. Despite all the time he'd spent here at the University and everything that had happened, it seemed like so long ago. Maybe it was because this was the first time he was actually seeing it here and he was surprised by how big the campus was.

"Come on, Ash. We need to pick a good spot." Louis grabbed onto his wrist and dragged him towards the crowd. He hated crowds but at least this time he could see.

It wasn't long before they found a spot which wasn't too close to the stage, but not too far either. Louis dropped his bags on the floor and began to pull out the tent from one of his three bags. Ashton stood there staring at him, not knowing where to begin helping. Louis stood up and thrust the instruction in Ashton's hand.

"You read the instructions and I'll set up the tent, yeah?" Ashton nodded quickly. He could do that.

What seemed like hours later, they were finally done and Louis looked like he was about to collapse with exhaustion. Apparently, they were terrible at setting up tents because the people who had started at the same time as them had finished ages ago.

The tent wasn't huge but was big enough for the two of them. Louis pulled out blankets from his second bag and some pillows before just throwing them all through the tent opening, too lazy to sort it out properly. Ashton bent down and placed his duffle bag with his clothes into the tent along with Louis'.

"Finally!" Louis screamed, making the people around them turn and laugh. Ashton blushed at all the people that turned to look in their direction.

"Do you know what we need?" Louis asked enthusiastically. "A beer," he answered before Ashton could think. "You in?"

"Uh, yeah okay," Ashton agreed hesitantly, watching as Louis bent his back and winced when he heard his joints pop. He hated when people did that.

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