9 - Wake Me Up Now, And Tell Me This Is All a Bad Dream

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This chapter is dedicated to @hemwinning for being the first person to comment on my story. Thank you for your comment and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!

If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors please let me know so I can fix them.

Also, don't forget to vote and/or comment if you enjoy. I'd really appreciate that! - Vanessa.

Things had been going well for Ashton and Luke's relationship in the past week. Sometimes Michael's words would find their way into his thoughts but he found it easy to ignore when he was with Luke. He didn't think it was possible but it seemed with each day he cared about Luke more and more and he couldn't imagine not having him in his life.

Ashton couldn't help but notice, however, that Luke hadn't kissed him. The last and first time had been the day after he'd arrived at university and he didn't understand why. He was nervous to ask Luke about it and he didn't know if he had the guts to initiate the kiss himself.

He tried to ignore the thoughts in his mind telling him that the reason Luke wouldn't kiss him was because he didn't want to. Perhaps he no longer wanted to be with Ashton or somehow found him repulsive. Maybe he didn't care for Ashton anymore and was looking for a way to break up. Maybe he was cheating on him with Aleisha.

Ashton desperately tried to ignore these thoughts but they only seemed to increase. As Ashton sat on his bed attempting to go through his textbooks, his mind kept wondering back to possible reasons Luke may not want to kiss him. He tried to ignore the dream he had last night which involved Luke breaking up with him to be with Aleisha because he was tired of Ashton. The dream made his skin crawl and he wanted nothing more than to forget it.

He was supposed to meet up with Luke soon and later the two would meet up with Michael and Calum but he wasn't sure he wanted to. He knew that when he overthought things he ended up putting himself into a panicked state. He'd overreact and become deaf to reason and possibly say things he'd regret. It's easy to think of his flaws before hand and tell himself he wont do those things but when a situation arises he forgets about it all and does the very things he hates about himself.

A soft knock at the door made Ashton jump a little but he knew it was Luke and sighed because he could already feel himself getting fidgety over the situation.

"You going to get that, Blindy?" Brad asked from where he was sitting on the bed. Ashton just nodded and assumed he could see before getting up to answer the door.

Luke greeted Ashton with a hug and although he loved Luke's hugs because he felt warm encased in Luke's broad shoulders and his vanilla cologne made Ashton's eyes flutter closed at the overpowering scent, he couldn't help but think about how Luke wouldn't kiss him.

They intertwined their hands, heading off in the direction of the library while Ashton's other hand holding the cane helped his direction. Luke was talking about how annoying his brothers were yesterday when he called home and although Ashton loved hearing him talk he couldn't ignore the nagging at the back of his mind saying that Luke was clearly with him out of obligation or something because why would he not kiss him?

The only time Ashton had ever kissed someone was his first kiss with Luke. Maybe he'd been so terrible that Luke didn't want to kiss him anymore.

"Hey Ash, are you okay?" Luke asked, perhaps noticing that Ashton was more quiet than usual. Ashton mentally shook his thoughts away and turned in Luke's direction to give him his most convincing smile.

"Course, Lukey," Ashton said brightly, hopefully not too brightly, however, because Luke would probably just think he was weird.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked suspiciously but Ashton just nodded eagerly again because he wasn't sure he should, or even wanted to approach the topic of what was on his mind.

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