6 - When We Both Wake Up Underneath the Same Sun

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Okay I don't know what the hell this chapter is honestly. I'm not sure how I feel about it but I hope you like it anyways.

Please let me know if I've made any spelling or grammatical errors.

If you enjoyed, please comment and vote because it makes me excited to keep writing. :) - Vanessa

Ashton winced at the pain in his eyes. His eyelashes fluttered open and it hurt. He felt them watering in irritation and he tried to wipe at them but it only made it worse. To top it off, Ashton's head was in excruciating pain. It felt as though it was pounding and he winced with every throb.

He felt a warm rise and fall beneath his head and he was confused. He didn't understand where he was or what he was lying on.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes as they continued to water in pain and his head ached severely. He let his hand roam around, trying to feel the surrounding area for an indication of what was happening.

He felt the warm skin of a torso and blushed profusely, his heart stuttering because why was he in bed with someone? The last think he remembered was going to the party and what if he slept with someone?

He started panicking but he didn't know what to do and his breathing increased as his panic did.

"Ash?" A groggy voice asked and Ashton didn't know if he was more relieved, shocked or confused to hear Luke's voice. He also flushed a little because Luke was almost naked and he'd been lying on top of him. His morning voice also did nothing to help lessen Ashton's flush.

"Luke? What's going on? Where am I?" Ashton could hear the panic in his own voice and he rubbed at his eyes again because it really hurt. His throbbing head continued its dull ache and he was just so confused.

He heard soft rustling before a hand came to rub gently on Ashton's back.

"You don't remember last night?" Luke whispered, his voice close and soothing and it helped calm him down. He shook his head, rubbing his eyes again.

"I remember going to a party with Brad and I had a drink but I don't understand. My head hurts and my mouth tastes funny like I have a hangover but I only had one drink." Ashton frowned, lips jutting out in a small pout as he tried to remember the events after that. Luke sighed next to him and it made Ashton more puzzled.

"Someone spiked your drink, Ash," Luke mumbled, voice sounding pained. Ashton felt his heart drop, a feeling of nauseous washing over him.

"W-What?" Ashton stuttered.

"Yeah, baby. You called Michael's phone last night while we were both sleeping and I answered it for him. I could barely understand what you were saying but it sounded like you were crying and you sounded so scared. I could hear your panic and- God I was so fucking scared! I didn't know what was happening," Luke's voice died down and Ashton was terrified, wanting to know what happened while collectively hoping he'd never find out.

"What happened?" Ashton whispered, voice barely audible.

"When-when Michael, Calum and I got there... there was a girl and she was on top of you," Luke's voice sounded so pained and it made everything so much worse. He hated to ask so bluntly but he needed to know.

"Did she r-rape me?" He chocked out. His eyes were watering from more than how irritated they felt.

"No," Luke said strongly. "It didn't get that far. She didn't touch you, not properly at least. Maybe through your jeans but when I got there they were still on."

Ashton nodded, processing it. No matter how unpleasant it sounded, he felt better knowing it didn't go any further. It also helped that he didn't remember it because he's sure that if he did he would be completely freaking out.

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