12 - I Can't Sleep 'Cause My Mind Keeps Racing

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Dedication: @Guest1124

So things in this chapter go from 0 - 100 real quick lmao (more like 0 - 50 if we're being honest), so if you're an innocent mind who doesn't want to read anything sexual or just not comfortable with it then everything between the three dashes (---) you can skip. It honestly isn't that bad though but I'm just warning incase people don't want to read that.

Sorry for the late update but I just have 7 more exams to go and I can upload like there's no tomorrow (if I don't procrastinate lol).

If you notice any spelling or grammatical errors please let me know so I can fix them!

Thanks to everyone who's read, voted and/or commented so far. It really means a lot. If you enjoy then please continue to do so because it really makes me happy! :) - Vanessa

Luke was bored. Ashton could tell by the constant rustling beside him as they both sat on Ashton's bed, backs against the wall. Ashton was reading, or at least attempting to, while Luke was doing God knows what.

"What are you doing, Luke?" Ashton sighed when the rustling beside him refused to cease.

"Nothing," he sighed out dramatically and Ashton rolled his eyes, shaking his head a little.

"Why don't you find something to do then?" He asked, putting his book down. Ashton had told Luke he was reading and that he might be bored but he insisted they hung out anyways. He didn't understand why if he was just going to complain. He loved Luke but that didn't mean he wasn't annoying sometimes.

"Come on Ash, lets do something," Luke whined out childishly. Ashton could hear the pout in his voice and couldn't help but smile fondly in Luke's direction.

"I told you you would be bored," Ashton sighed, closing the book.

"Did you? I don't remember that," Luke said playfully, poking Ashton's side and making him yelp. It wasn't fair when he did that, especially because Ashton couldn't see it coming. Ashton grumbled in annoyance before reaching out for Luke.

Luke chuckled, clearly not realising what Ashton was trying to do. When Ashton's hand found Luke's stomach, he poked Luke with all his force right in the middle of his stomach. Luke screamed and swatted Ashton's hand away. Ashton, on the other hand, burst out into fits of giggles. He'd never heard someone scream like that just by being poked in the stomach and it was now his favourite thing ever.

Ashton fell over on the bed, rolling onto his back as he gripped his stomach that hurt from laughing so hard. Luke was grumbling in mock annoyance but Ashton didn't care because he hadn't laughed this hard in ages, even if it wasn't that funny.

Before he knew what was happening, Luke was straddling his thighs. Ashton stopped laughing when Luke grabbed Ashton's hands that were clutching his stomach and pinned them above his head with one hand around both wrists.

"Lukey, what are you doing?" Ashton breathed out, eyes wide. Ashton's question was answered, however, when Luke's other hand went to tickle his sides. Ashton screamed out, laughing hysterically to the point where he could barley breathe.

"L-Lukey," Ashton laughed, tears in his eyes from how hard he was laughing. "S-stop!" Ashton screamed because he honestly felt like he was going to die or pee himself, the first being the better option as it was less embarrassing.

"Apologise," Luke said, sounding as though he was smirking. Ashton was still gasping for breath, cheeks flushed and hair tousled from trying to get away from Luke to no avail.

"No," he pouted because Luke was annoying when he was smug and he refused to give in.

"If you don't apologise I'll just keep tickling you," Luke said proudly. Ashton bit his bottom lip, contemplating on whether or not it was worth standing his ground. He couldn't fight Luke off; he definitely wasn't strong enough for that when he hadn't done physical exercise in probably nine years.

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