14 - Our Last Words Ringing In My Head

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Dedication: goodness-gracious

I would've had this up sooner but my house flooded with water from a hail storm so...

So shit just hit the fan in this chapter. I'm sorry in advance but this has been planned from the beginning. Maybe you hate me. Maybe you don't. Or maybe I'm being extra and it wasn't even that bad. Either way I personally thought it got pretty real but that might just be me lol.

We've hit 1K reads and 145 favourites so thanks everyone! Hope you continue to read the story and give it a vote or maybe even comment your thoughts. It'd mean a lot to me!

As usual, don't forget to let me know if you come across any spelling and/or grammatical errors so I can fix them!

Anyways, without further ado, enjoy homies! - Vanessa


"I swear I'll tell you everything Lukey. I promise I'll tell you everything just give me time," Ashton begged as Luke relaxed again.

"Fine, but you promise you'll be there right?"

"I promise I'll be there and I promise I'll explain everything," Ashton mumbled. He still had to tell Luke he was leaving on Friday but he didn't want to do it now. He was already upset and he knew it would just make him angrier. So he held on to Luke tighter and hoped that everything would be okay.

Friday 11:30:

"Ashton, tell me what happened," he heard his mom urge, pleading from where she was seated in the driver's seat on their way home. With what little sense he could muster, he could feel that she was worried, could hear it in her voice but he felt numb.

His breathing was uneven, breath stuttering as his hands where clenched at his side, gripping tightly onto the leather seats. It was confusing because everything hurt but at the same time he felt like he couldn't feel a thing. His heart felt as though it were physically broken, heavy in his chest with the weight of his misery.

He never imagined it would hurt this bad. Luke's words ran through his mind on repeat and it felt like someone had stabbed him. His soulmate; the one person destined above all else in the entire universe to be with him threw him away like he didn't even matter. He turned over the events in his head, trying to make sense of it all but it was simple really; Luke never cared about him.

He trusted him, more than he'd ever been able to trust anyone since he was nine, and it never mattered to him because he didn't care. He could still hear the words, could hear him saying how he basically never cared because Ashton never mattered.

He would never see Luke again because he would never go back, the thought of ever being in the same area as Luke felt like a knife twisting in his chest. He could never go back but it was for the best. He'd never felt so painfully alone, it was almost as though he could feel the ghost of Luke's touch but it stung to think about it. It wasn't comforting or warm, but like a sharp throb.

"Ashton, you're scaring me. Tell me what's wrong," his mom almost demanded but he felt lost, empty. His other half was gone, ripped away from him. How could you survive without your other half?

"I can't feel him anymore," Ashton whispered, voice thick with tears that wouldn't come.

"What?" His mom whispered, confused.

"I- I can't feel his emotions anymore," Ashton murmured, finally placing the strange numbness and empty feeling in his chest. He couldn't feel Luke's emotions or even his presence. Everything was wrong, he felt wrong, but at the same time it held a sense of finality.

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