13 - A Good Story Of A Bad Day, Back To Square One Where I Started

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Dedication: selenaforever22

So shit is going to be going down in the next chapter and this chapter is building up to it. Just thought I'd prepare you guys, lol.

6 more exams to go until I can update as much as possible (if I'm not too lazy)!

We're at 800 reads and I'm super happy so thanks to everyone who's read and still doing so it means a lot!

I have 2 other Lashton stories coming at the end of November/early December if you'd like to check them out!

Don't forget to point out any spelling or grammatical errors you notice so I can fix them!

If you enjoy please vote and/or comment because it really makes my day! :) - Vanessa

Ashton groaned when he heard impatient knocking on the door. He was still in bed and he was confused as to why his alarm didn't go off.

"Brad?" Ashton called out groggily but realised Brad probably wasn't in the room if he didn't reply. It must be late if Brad was already gone and he hated sleeping in.

The insistent knocking continued and Ashton groaned again, burying his face in the pillow hoping whoever it was would go away.

"Ashy, are you in there?" Michael called from the other side of the door and Ashton rubbed at his eyes, feeling incredibly exhausted. It had taken him so long to fall asleep last night and he hated going through the day tired. He was just glad it was a Saturday.

"Coming!" Ashton called, voice thick with sleep. Ashton pulled the duvet off of himself, stumbling out of bed. He squeaked in surprise as he tripped, falling face first on the floor with a thump.

"You okay, Ash?" Michael asked, sounding as though he was close to laughing. Ashton grumbled in annoyance because Michael always found everything funny even if it wasn't. How Michael knew he fell was beyond him, maybe he heard the thump, but Ashton just hoisted himself up and made his way to the door more cautiously this time.

"Were you asleep?" Michael asked in surprise when Ashton opened the door. He felt Michael pet his hair and he grimaced a bit at the thought of his own appearance.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep last night," Ashton said, clearing his throat.

"Well get ready, will you? Luke decided to be blind today and it's fucking hilarious. He's with Calum and we've been laughing for a solid hour," Michael said, clearly amused.

"He really decided to do that?" Ashton groaned, rubbing his face and trying to fix his hair.

"You knew about it?"

"Yeah. He said he was doing it to 'understand the way I have it' better or something like that."

"You're not offended by it, are you?" Michael asked, probably sensing some of Ashton's annoyance.

"No," he said truthfully. "I just think he's putting himself through unnecessary things for me. It just seems silly but I'm not offended."

"Maybe it's his way of showing you how much he appreciates you. He wants to understand everything about you and not take things for granted. Luke comes up with stupid ideas a lot of the time, I mean he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but he means well. Plus, it's hilarious," Michael laughed out again.

Ashton nodded, understanding to a certain extend where Luke was coming from and agreed with Michael to go and meet up with Calum and Luke. After taking a shower and getting ready, Michael patiently waiting in the dorm, he was ready to go.

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