8 - We're Hiding Out in A Dream

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This chapter is dedicated to wickedeternity because she always motivates me to write! She gives me feedback and encourages me so thanks a ton! :)

Sorry for the delay in this chapter I honestly have no excuse other than being lazy af.

Ashton gif is his outfit in this chapter. He looks so damn good looking it's actually painful.

Please let me know if you notice any spelling or grammatical errors so that I can fix them!

Don't forget to comment and/or vote if you enjoyed the chapter. - Vanessa


Ashton was back in his dorm after purchasing his glasses and saying goodbye to Harry. Luke had to take Aleisha back as he was her lift and it gave Ashton an uncomfortable feeling because they used to date and he wouldn't blame Luke for wanting to be with her even if they'd just gotten together themselves.

He was lying in bed on his laptop deciding on new books to order. He didn't have a lot of extra money to spend and braille books were expensive so he knew he could only buy one or two and it'd just have to do.

Ashton got frustrated, however, when he couldn't find what he wanted in braille. He was tried of hearing the guys going on about Game of Thrones when he couldn't watch the show and now apparently he couldn't find the books. He didn't like audio books because he preferred to read but he wasn't seeing another choice.

He knew there was an app for it on his phone but he hardly used his phone except for texting occasionally, calling and recording for his lectures. He didn't know how to get apps and he was pretty sure his phone didn't have any. He never really had a use for his phone as he didn't have many friends to contact so he never went on it.

Just as he picked up the device to try and figure out how to get it, there was a knock on the door. He hoped it wasn't Brad who had now developed a habit of losing the keys so he sighed and went to answer the door.

"Hey, Ash." Ashton's eyes widened when he heard Luke's voice.

"Luke? What are you doing here?" Ashton asked a little confused because he had seen him not too long ago and he was surprised he was here.

"So, Mikey and Calum went to this pizza place or whatever and I was wondering if you wanted our first date to be like a double date with the guys so that you'd feel more comfortable?" Luke hurried, sounding a little uncertain and maybe even nervous.

"Wh- now?" Ashton asked, panicking a little because he didn't know if he was ready to have his first date now.

"Only if you want. We don't have to," Luke assured him, sounding a little let down and it made Ashton frown.

"We can go, Lukey," Ashton said nervously because he wanted to make Luke happy and at least the guys would be there so he wouldn't be too nervous about it.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked and Ashton nodded.

"I need to get ready," he mumbled, leaving the door open as he went to his cupboard. He felt around but he wasn't sure what to wear and it was making him more nervous. He opted for a short sleeve shirt that he wasn't sure what the design was but hoped it was okay.

"Lukey, what colour is this shirt?" Ashton asked, holding it up.

"It's black," he said, voice coming from the direction of the desk and Ashton assumed he was siting there.

"And these jeans?" He asked, holding up a pair. He was pretty sure judging by the rips in them that they were black because he didn't think he had a pair of blue ripped jeans but he couldn't remember.

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