5 - I Wish I Was, I Wish I Was Beside You

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First off, I'm on a role. 5K words after updating 3 times yesterday? Damn!

Secondly, this chapter may be triggering to some or make others uncomfortable, so if you don't want to read it but you want a summary of the chapter then you can message me or something. (Slight spoiler: contains scene of non-consent).

I'm sorry this turned out so dramatic, I don't know what happened or where this came from but I promise the next chapter will be seriously fluffy and happy to make up for this because wow, this went from 0-100 real quick.

Also, someone said that they thought the story may be going a little too fast in terms of Luke and Ashton's relationship so I thought I'd just clarify in case some of you feel the same way.

Because Ashton and Luke have been emotionally bonded their entire lives, they're already in love with each other to some degree. Maybe they're not completely 100% in love but they do already love each other a lot. Like a lot a lot.

They live in a world where this is completely natural because everyone loves their soulmate to some degree (despite not physically and mentally knowing them) because of the bond they've shared their whole lives. They almost feel like they know them because of the emotions they've shared.

Hope that makes sense and if you have any questions please ask.

Sorry for the long ass author's note!

Please let me know if you notice any spelling or grammatical errors.

Don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed the chapter because it makes me happy and motivates me to keep on updating. :)

Despite it only being his second day at university, Ashton found that waking up the next morning and getting ready for his first day of lectures went by a lot faster than he thought it would.

He was able to find the bathrooms again relatively easy and because he was always one to wake up early and he didn't have to sort his dorm or pack, the bathrooms were empty and he had the place to himself.

Soon Ashton was back in his room and reading through his textbooks. He wanted to be ready for the day ahead but Brad's snoring was getting a little annoying. He didn't understand why he was sleeping considering he had a lecture this morning. Ashton knew this because he'd had to listen to Brad complain for a solid hour last night before Brad went to another party.

Ashton was always a bit of a heavy sleeper so he was grateful when he didn't hear Brad arrive at God knows what time. All he knew was that when his alarm went at six thirty this morning, Brad almost killed him for waking him up then went back to snoring obnoxiously loud.

A loud knock on the door had Brad grumbling in annoyance and Ashton heard the sheets rustling and assumed he was probably covering his face to block out the sound.

Ashton was glad that Brad was being annoyed and hoped he had a terrible hangover this morning. He wasn't one to be so mean but Brad was really starting to irk him.

Ashton let the person knock one more time on the door just to annoy Brad further before he got up to answer it. He really hoped it was Michael coming for his lecture because he was starting to get a little bored and he also didn't want anyone else seeing him without glasses.

"Hey Ashy," Michael said a little too loudly but Ashton smiled because Michael was always happy and also because he knew Michael's loudness was annoying Brad.

"Hi Mikey, are we going now?" Ashton asked, smiling because he was in a good mood today and was excited to start lectures.


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