18 - Is It Too Late to Bring Us Back to Life?

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Dedication: To everyone who's read/voted/commented at any point. It all means a lot to me so thanks for taking the time out of your lives to read!

Don't forget to point out any errors.

Vote and/or comment if you enjoy! Hope you do. :) - Vanessa


Ashton drove out of the University as fast as he could. As he drove further and further away, he realised that good things never happened to him when he tried to escape things. He briefly thought back to when he'd first met Luke and how he'd run off.

Nothing good ever came from running away, especially when it was dark out and he was using a car he'd stolen from his friend when he didn't have a license.

Maybe he should've thought this through a little more carefully.

Ashton could hear the constant buzzing of his phone where it lay on the passenger seat. He spared it one glance before focusing back on the road. He was driving too fast with trembling hands and a blurry vision.

He blinked away the tears as he focused on the road, but when his vision slightly cleared, he noticed a large fallen branch taking up most of the road.

Ashton panicked as he pressed the breaks down, hearing the car screech as he spun the steering wheel to the left with all his force. He narrowly missed the branch as the car drove off the side of the road, stopping so abruptly his head banged against the steering wheel.

It was eerily quiet as he lifted his head up. He grimaced at the sharp pain in his head, bringing his hand up to inspect the damage and feeling the sticky substance that ran down his face alarmingly fast.

He got out the car, shaking so much he felt like he could barely walk. He bit his lip as he inspected the car and sighed in relief when he saw there was no damage. It was one thing for him to steal Louis' car but he didn't think he'd be all too forgiving if it came back damaged.

He looked around and saw it was dark and quiet, not another car in sight. The only light was coming from the car headlights as a breeze swept through, making him shiver.

He looked into the side rearview mirror and winced when he saw the blood going down the right side of his face from the cut on his forehead. He knew head wounds bled more than the damage caused considering the cut didn't seem all too bad, but he still felt queasy at the sight.

Ashton got back in the car, closing the door as he tried to gather some heat and shivered. He heard his phone vibrating but it wasn't on the passenger seat anymore. He groaned, bending down and looking under the seat, hoping to see it fallen but still okay.

He sighed in relief when he saw the screen lit up on the floor. He snatched it up and looked at the phone, seeing Louis' name flashing.

He answered the phone, but before he could say anything Louis' was screaming on the other end.

"What the fuck, Ashton? Did you take my car? You can't even drive! You don't have a license! Where are you? Are you okay?" He yelled hurriedly. He could hear it was quiet in the background of the call beside the occasional voices.

"I'm sorry, Louis," Ashton whimpered as he placed his hand on his forehead. He was starting to feel a little light headed and he knew driving back wasn't an option or he'd probably get into a worse accident.

"Where are you?" he asked, seemingly trying to remain calm.

"I don't know. There was a branch on the road and I veered off and- and-"

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