Chapter 1

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I lay half awake in my bed, glancing at the small clock every few minutes. As of now the clock on my nightstand read 4:18 am. Which meant school didn't start for another 3 hours. I've just been too excited for tomorrow! Tomorrow, or should I say today, will be the start of my junior year at Triple A as some of us like to call it. Academic Achievements Association. Aaa for short.

I begin staring at the clock again, debating whether to give up and get ready early, or continue staring around my room until my alarm goes off. The clock reads 4:25 am, and I decide to just get up. There's no use in wasting my time looking at a dumb clock. I sit up in my oversized bed, peeling my warm cocoon of comforters off and stepping into coldness of the night. I sluggishly make my way to my personal bathroom, yawning along the way and look at my tired face in the mirror. My pink hair is all over the place from tossing and turning ask night, and the dark circles under my eyes reveal how little sleep I got.

Frowning at my reflection, I decide to take a shower to wash away my sleepiness and disheveled appearance. I turn on the hot water and wait for the water to heat up, taking off my loose white t-shirt and pink boxers in the process. I check the water's temperature before stepping in and rubbing my face in the steaming water to wake up more. I take my time washing my hair and body since I've got plenty of time before I even need you get ready. After rising my body I step out into the steamy bathroom, grabbing a fluffy towel from under the sink and wrapping it around my waist. I exit the bathroom and enter my cold bedroom again, sitting on the edge of my bed. Right when I sit down I hear my phone ding from the nightstand next to my alarm clock. Grabbing the phone I notice three texts from my best friend, Fionna:

-Hey! Gumball, are you awake? I can't sleep ):

-Gummy I'm so excited for school! This year is gonna be so fun! I'm gonna miss Marshall tho, too bad he had to graduate last year /:

-Ugh! Wake up dork! I thought you of all people would be up early on the first day of school!

I smile at her eagerness and call her instead of responding by text. The line rings a few times before the cheery blonde picks up.

"Gummy! you're awake! Did I wake you up?"

"No you're fine, I've been up all night," I laugh. "Couldn't sleep. I just got out of the shower."

"That was a long ass shower then! I knew you weren't asleep on a day like this," she laughs. "The first day of junior year... wow."

I laughed once again, "I know right? It's weird to think about. Only one more year until we graduate," I say, holding the phone with one hand and standing up dying off with the towel with the other.

"What do you think Marshall Lee and the other graduates are gonna do today?" Fionna asks with a slight tinge of sadness in her voice, "I barley saw him at all this summer..."

"Me neither. He promised me he'd stay in touch but I haven't heard a word from him since graduation. I hope he's okay... Anyway, I bet he's still in some girl's bed right now."

Fionna quietly sighs knowing very well that I was accurate with how the man-child acted in his free time. Marshall Lee Abadeer was famous throughout our high school, everyone knew his name. Him and his gang were classic bullies to the underclassmen, including me and my group of friends. But we all became close after being partnered in a group project for music class.

     He was a talented musician with a sense of style and looks that could kill. Marshall was notorious for sleeping with the opposite sex on multiple occasions, but that didn't stop boys and girls from falling head over heels for him. Including me.

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