Chapter 5

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As Marshall pulled the black car into his long driveway, I couldn't help but be excited. This would be the first time we've hung out at his place since his graduation party. I glanced over at Marshall as he put the car in park once we had reached the end of the gravel trail. He met my eyes and smiled.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded. We exited the car and retrieved our stuff from the backseat. There was a short stone path that led from his driveway to the front steps of his porch. It was quite cute; red and purple flowers around it. I stopped for a moment to look around the forest around us. The trees seemed to go on forever, the forest becoming denser and denser as you stared into it. The air was so clean around here and there was always a soothing melody of bird chirps, rustling leaves, and other noises created by the wildlife. It was very calming.

    "What're you doing, weirdo?" Marshall asked from his front porch, a smirk on his lips.

    "Just enjoying the scenery. Your place is a lot nicer than what I remembered. It's kind of serene out here." I glanced around me once more, smiling at Marshall's small white picket fence that separated his yard from the rest of the forest, and his homey looking lilac painted house. If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought an elderly woman was settled here. You don't see many guys like Marshall living in purple houses with white picket fences and cute little flower gardens.

    "You like it? I cleaned up a little out here while Simone was staying over. Who knew gardening could be so therapeutic? Anyways come on, I'm starving!" I walked up the steps to his porch as he unlocked the front door and stepped inside his living room, me following shortly behind.

    His house was small but cozy inside. The living room had a soft blue carpet, an old red couch, and various other types of furniture and decor splayed around the room. Marshall tossed his guitar on the couch on his way to the kitchen. I followed after him like a lost puppy, suddenly feeling like an awkward house guest. Which I technically was.

Marshall searched through his fridge, humming a random tune. I sat on the counter and watched him as he suddenly groaned in aggravation, shutting the fridge door loudly.

"Ugh! There's no food!" He complained like a whiny child in need of a bottle. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

"I'm sure there's something in there you can eat. You're so overdramatic sometimes." I hopped off the counter and opened the fridge to see multiple containers of what I assumed were leftovers from Simone's cooking, typical condiments, fruits, veggies, lunch meats, sports drinks, and sodas. "Marshall there's plenty enough food in here. How old are these leftovers? Just eat those."

"Blegh! I don't want leftovers!" He stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Make a sandwich then."

"That's too much work."

"Fine. I'll make you one then."

"Ugh. I don't want a sandwich."

"Dear glob..." I sighed, "should we just get take out then?" He paused for a moment, thinking about it.

"Eh, I guess so." He shrugged.

"Fantastic, what do you want?"

"Ugh, I don't know."

"Here we go again..." I sighed. This man was ridiculous.

After minutes of arguing about food, he finally settled on Chinese. Which was now on its way. We were in the living room now, Marshall sifting through a pile of DVD's as I petted Schwable on my lap.

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