Chapter 9

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"No, Fionna. This is the E-string. Both the thickest and thinnest strings are E," Marshall said. He was teaching us (mostly Fionna) how to play guitar.

"Wait wait wait, what's the note order again?"

Marshall sighed, "It goes, E A D G B E. Got it?" Fionna nodded her head. "Alright, now play an E chord." Fionna looked down at her guitar and placed her fingers on the right spots and strummed, creating an awful noise.

"Agh! Why can't I do this!? I hate guitar!" Fionna pouted.

"It's okay, Fionna. You can't be perfect at everything," I said, trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, maybe guitar just isn't for you. We can try something else Monday. Cool?" Marshall smiled and Fionna nodded. Marshall stood from his seat clapped his hands together. "Alright guys, we're done for today so do whatever the fuck you want. I gotta run to Petrikov's office for a bit so I'll see y'all later," he said before winking at me with a smile. "Put the guitars away!" He yelled as he jogged out the door. What a dummy.

I stood from my chair and stepped down the riser, setting the acoustic guitar on the rack with the others. I felt someone bump into me and turned to see Fionna smirking at me and doing that eyebrow wiggle thing. "What? What are you giving me that look for?"

"Oh don't think I didn't see that little wink he gave you," she said, doing the eyebrow thing again.

"Oh that? That was nothing," I blushed and looked away, fiddling with the guitars to seem like I was busy. She moved to face me again.

"Nothing, was it? I disagree. I think he likes you," she smiled widely. Well I would hope so.

"He does that to everyone, it doesn't mean I'm special," I waved, trying to play dumb.

"Nuh uh. I see the way he looks at you. He really likes you, Bubbs." I couldn't help but blush a little. He looks at me? "Look! You're even blushing! Ooo, you like him too, don't you!"

I couldn't help but blush more now that she was putting me on the spot. "N-no I don't," I stuttered. Fuck me.

"OMG too cute!! I can't believe you like Mar-!" I quickly covered her mouth with my palm before she could blurt it out to everyone. The class's attention turned to us for a moment before going back to whatever they were doing. I let out a puff of air and let go of Fionna.

"Fi, you can't just say that out loud! Clearly I don't want people to know!" I whisper-yelled, glaring at the blonde.

"Sorry, Gumball... Wait. So you do like him??"

I sighed and paused for a moment. "Yes, Fi. I like Marshall Lee." Instantly, she let out a loud squeal. I tried shushing her but her fangirling was too powerful. Everyone's attention turned to us again as Fionna continued jumping around excitedly. I was too busy cringing to notice Flame walking over.

"What are you flipping out about now, Fi?" He asked. She calmed down a bit before lightly smacking his arm repeatedly in an animated fashion, grinning like a maniac.

"Flame! Oh my glob! Guess what!?" She exclaimed.

"Fionna!" I yelled, glaring at her accusingly. Did she not just hear me say I didn't want everyone to know? Ugh, why doesn't she ever learn.

"Oh, it's alright, Gumball. I already know about the whole thing. And don't worry, you're secret's safe with me," Flame smirked.

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