Chapter 2

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Marshall is our teacher!? He's only 18!?
The class's eyes widen once he walks through the door of his new classroom. Marshall stands next to principle Petrikov with a big smile plastered on his handsome face.

"Hey guys! I know this is a weird situation and it seems unreal but hear me out. After graduation, I was struggling a lot, I won't get into it. But long story short I needed a job and this awesome lady right here was able to get me one. And I know what you're all thinking, "What the hell is happening right now? Who let some kid teach a class?" And to be honest, I have no clue. Simone's a freaking wizard, I ain't questioning her." The class sat frozen with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

What in the hell is happening!? This can't be true, I must be dreaming. There's no way they'd let an 18 year old teach a class... right?

Marshall looked at us nervously, he seemed uncomfortable from the fact that none of us had dared to make any sort of noise. His expression changed from overwrought to tense. He almost looked sad, guilty of some sort.

"Look, guys I'm sorry I avoided you all during the summer, and that I didn't tell you sooner about this, I just didn't know how you'd all react," Marshall cleared his throat. "I just... Ugh. I'm sorry. For everything, I guess," he chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck, "I'm bad with words, I know. But guys, please forgive me. You all mean so much to me, you're my best friends, things aren't going to change because of this, I promise."

We all stayed silent, shocked. Unable to comprehend what was happening. None of us knew what to say. Marshall sighed sadly, Petrikov placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring look. I glanced at Fionna, her jaw still hanging open. Deciding that I wouldn't be rude and ignore the poor man standing infront of us, I stood up from my seat, catching Marshall's attention along with the rest of the class's. I walked over to him, staring into his beautiful auburn eyes before slinging my arms over his neck, pulling him close into an embrace. "You asshole," I mumbled.

He tensed at my touch, but soon relaxed his shoulders and wrapped his long arms around me, giving me a tight squeeze. I could feel his nose nudge my cheek as he whispered into me ear, "I missed you Bubba, I'm so sorry." I only smiled against his neck and squeezed him harder, enjoying his scent that I missed so dearly. I felt another arm snake around me, and looked up from Marshall to see Fionna hugging us both, a satisfied grin accross her lips. We welcomed Fionna into our embrace and soon enough we were in the middle of a group hug of all of our friends. It was a warm comforting feeling being pressed against Marshall while being surrounded by all of our friends. I never wanted this moment to end.

     Principle Petrikov cleared her throat, interrupting our moment, "Ahem, as much as I hate to interrupt you all, I must ask that you ask return to your seats. We have a lot to get through in this class, you can hug and talk this over after school." We all obeyed our Principle, sitting down in our chairs. Marshall still seemed to be lost, looking unprepared, glancing at Simone for some instruction on what to do next. Petrikov smiled at his nervousness and whispered to him, "Tell them the rules of the class. Or where things are in the room."

     He was hit with a sudden realization, "Oh! Right.. rules.. uh.. Where should I start?.. Uh, first of all, I guess don't ruin any of the instruments, obviously. That wouldn't be cool," he paused, looking around the room, "What else do teachers talk about...? Food, I don't care. Phones, I could also care less."

He looked at the big piano before jogging towards it, "Follow me!" We walked over to where Marshall was, laying on the piano on his side, supporting his head with his hand. I couldn't help but giggle at his actions, he noticed and smiled at me, making my face grow slightly hot. The class gathered infront of the piano.

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